
The following datasets are available for download and provide links to additional resources. You can also find the downloads via our Atom Feed, or Web Feature Service.

Please note that some devices may require additional software to use Atom feeds.

Listed Buildings

This dataset comprises the statutory addresses and supplementary information for listed buildings in Scotland.

Listing is the recognition that a building or structure is of 'special' interest.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Listed Building spatial data

Scheduled Monuments

This dataset comprises scheduled monuments in Scotland.

Scheduled monuments are nationally important monuments and sites. National importance takes account of a wide range of factors, including artistic, archaeological, architectural, historic, traditional, aesthetic, scientific and social. The aim of scheduling is to preserve sites and monuments as far as possible in the form in which they have come down to us today.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Scheduled Monument spatial data

Gardens and Designed Landscapes

This dataset comprises an Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland.

Gardens and designed landscapes are grounds which have been laid out for artistic effect and, in appropriate cases, include references to any buildings, land, or water on, adjacent, or contiguous to such grounds. An Inventory garden and designed landscape is a nationally important site that has been included in the Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland. Inclusion of a site means that it receives recognition and a degree of protection through the planning system.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Gardens & Designed Landscapes spatial data


This dataset comprises Battlefield Inventory sites for Scotland.

The Inventory of Historic Battlefields is a list of nationally important battlefields in Scotland. It provides information on the sites to raise awareness of their significance and assist in their protection and management for the future. It is a major resource for enhancing the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of battlefields, for promoting education and stimulating further research, and for developing their potential as attractions for visitors.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Battlefields spatial data

Historic Marine Protected Areas

This dataset comprises the boundaries of all Historic Marine Protected Areas in Scottish territorial waters.

Historic Marine Protected Areas are nationally important marine historic assets. The Scottish Government is committed to clean, healthy, safe, productive, biologically diverse marine and coastal environments, managed to meet the long-term needs of people and nature. This includes protecting and, where appropriate, enhancing our most important historic wrecks and other marine heritage sites in such a way that they can be valued and understood.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download HMPA spatial data

Conservation Areas

This dataset comprises the boundaries of Conservation Areas in Scotland.

This dataset has been compiled by HES based on information provided by Local Authorities, who maintain records of Conservation Areas. This dataset may not contain the most recent data and its accuracy is not guaranteed and should not be relied on. Please contact the relevant Local Authority for the most up to date and accurate information.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Conservation Area spatial data

World Heritage Sites

This dataset comprises the cultural World Heritage Sites for Scotland.

World Heritage Sites are described by UNESCO as exceptional places of "outstanding universal value" and "belonging to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located". Once a World Heritage Site is inscribed, under the Convention, member states have a duty to protect, conserve and present such sites for future generations.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download World Heritage Sites spatial data

Properties in Care

This dataset comprises Properties in Care in Scotland.

It is a collection of monuments, which define significant aspects of Scotland's history, brought into care for their long term preservation and public benefit. We manage them on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, for the benefit of people living in and visiting Scotland. Our monuments range from standing stones to abbeys and castles and all provide an insight into Scottish history and the people who shaped the development of our country.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download Properties in Care spatial data


National Record of the Historic Environment: Canmore

Canmore is the online catalogue of Scotland’s archaeology sites, buildings and industrial and maritime heritage.

Compiled and managed by Historic Environment Scotland, Canmore contains information and collections from all its survey and recording work, as well as from a wide range of other organisations, communities and individuals who are helping to enhance this national resource. The GIS layer provides a map index to over 320,000 site locations and a related archive of over 1.3m items.

We also provide web services and an Atom Feed.

Download NHRE/Canmore spatial data

Historic Landuse Assessment

The Historic Landuse Assessment (HLA) Project shows the extent of changes that have occured to the environment, from 20th century forestry plantations to medieval field systems, highlighting important landscapes and informing the public of their locations.

We also provide an online web mapping application.

Download Historic Landuse Assessment spatial data *

* Registration Required

Printed: 11/09/2024 20:12