Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
St Andrews
NO 49941 16188
349941, 716188


James Gillespie & Scott, dated 1913. 2-storey and attic, 5-bay, L-plan house with 2-storey extension converted to flats circa 2000. Narrow blocks of rock-faced rubble and droved quoins. Raised base and band courses, and eaves cornice. Some bracketted cills with roll-moulded window margins and some Gibbsian window margins; keystones; voussoirs; stone mullions.

SE (GARDEN) ELEVATION: symmetrical. Projecting balustraded bay to centre at ground with wide-centre tripartite window, single windows on returns and banded angles; timber door with deep 6-pane fanlight and adjacent window to left, both with elongated keystone; keystoned window with relieving arch in bay to left and canted 3-light windows to outer bays, that to right with steps up to centre french door. 1st floor with keystoned, wide-centre tripartite to centre bay, windows in flanking bays and canted windows to outer bays below piends with 3 small flat-roofed dormers to centre.

NW (ENTRANCE) ELEVATION: corniced and balustraded porch to centre bay with segmental-headed, keystoned, deeply moulded doorway and panelled timber door angled to right, and small similarly-detailed window on bracketted cill angled to left; window immediately to left at ground and 3 regularly disposed small windows above. Tiny window to outer left at ground below keystoned stair window with band course forming transom; low flat-roofed dormer window above. Slightly projecting bay to right of centre with bipartite window to left and single window to right at ground and further small single window to left at 1st floor. Right return of advanced wing to outer left with full-height projecting stack and blind panel below projecting stone flanked by bipartite windows at ground and further bipartite window below paired semicircular pediment to right at 1st floor, and single window breaking lowered eaves line into triangular-pedimented dormerhead to left. Circa 2000 single storey flat-roofed stone porch addition. 3-bay piend-roofed extension beyond to left with 3 windows to ground and further windows in centre and right bays at 1st floor.

SW ELEVATION: bay to right of centre at ground with mutuled cornice and keystoned semicircular pediment over centre light of tripartite window (left light blocked), 2 windows to centre and bipartite in bay to left; 1st floor with moulded panel dated '1913' to right, single window to centre and wide-centre tripartite in bay to left; metal fire escape ladder to right of centre, and small flat-roofed dormer window above.

NE ELEVATION: variety of elements to asymmetrical bay including projecting single storey semi-octagonal bay clasping right angle of projecting block to left, and extension to right.

Largely small-pane upper over plate glass lower sashes in timber sash and case windows: coloured leaded glass to stair, hall and porch windows. Grey slates. Shouldered and coped, ashlar and rock-faced stacks with some cans; ashlar-coped skews to dormerheads; swept roof with deeply overhanging eaves; cast-iron downpipes with decorative rainwater hoppers.

INTERIOR: good decorative scheme in place including plain cornices, boarded timber dadoes and brass sash lifts. Porch with panelled dado and concave soffits; hall with timber screen, and coloured glass to door; panelled dado to timber staircase with turned balusters and carved square-section newel posts. Principal room (centre SE at ground) with round-headed arches containing decoratively-astragalled display cupboards over arcaded shelves flanking classically-detailed fireplace with panelled overmantel, decorative frieze, cornice and flanking fluted columns with crocket capitals; segmental-headed window arches, that to tripartite with windowseat on turned legs; modillioned cornice and 6 plasterwork ceiling roses. Sliding doors to adjoining smaller room with timber Arts and Crafts style fireplace with tall overmantel and inset Delft tiles with Oriental figures; press with carved and decoratively-astragalled doors. 1st floor with most original Arts and Crafts style panelled timber fireplaces with tiled slips. 1st floor with most original panelled timber Arts and Crafts style fireplaces with tiled slips.

ANCILLARY STRUCTURE: harled pavilion with 2 sets of broad part-glazed 2-leaf timber doors and 3 fluted timber columns below segmentally-arched latticework frieze.

GARDEN AND BOUNDARY WALLS AND GATEPIERS: low rubble walls to designed features of garden, including circular garden and steps; semicircular-coped squared rubble and random rubble boundary walls. Ball-finialled, square-section, corniced ashlar gatepiers with quadrants to NW, and square-coped piers with timber gate to NE.

Statement of Special Interest

A good example of the work of local architects Gillespie & Scott. Hepburn Hall is finely-detailed with many original features. The survival of the distinctive glazing pattern, tall chimneystacks and good interior details are all notable.

Hepburn Gardens is characterised by large villa construction, predominantly in the Arts and Crafts tradition with many of the properties (including Hepburn Hall) having extensive gardens stretching to the picturesque Lade Braes Walk.

Built for David McGaw in 1913, and called 'The Ridge', the building was purchased and renamed in 1947 by St Andrews University. It remained a hall of residence until 1998 and was converted to flats around 2000. The garden elevation overlooks the contemporary designed landscape comprising gently terraced formal gardens with pond.




University of St Andrews Library, MSS Collection refs: GS1437; CL4-301; CL4-302. A Nairne "Gillespie & Scott" in BUILDING FOR A NEW AGE (ed J Frew, 1984), pp51-52.

About Listed Buildings

Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating sites and places at the national level. These designations are Scheduled monuments, Listed buildings, Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and Inventory of historic battlefields.

We make recommendations to the Scottish Government about historic marine protected areas, and the Scottish Ministers decide whether to designate.

Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

We list buildings which are found to be of special architectural or historic interest using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

Listed building records provide an indication of the special architectural or historic interest of the listed building which has been identified by its statutory address. The description and additional information provided are supplementary and have no legal weight.

These records are not definitive historical accounts or a complete description of the building(s). If part of a building is not described it does not mean it is not listed. The format of the listed building record has changed over time. Earlier records may be brief and some information will not have been recorded.

The legal part of the listing is the address/name of site which is known as the statutory address. Other than the name or address of a listed building, further details are provided for information purposes only. Historic Environment Scotland does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a consequence of inaccuracies in the information provided. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing. Even if a number or name is missing from a listing address it will still be listed. Listing covers both the exterior and the interior and any object or structure fixed to the building. Listing also applies to buildings or structures not physically attached but which are part of the curtilage (or land) of the listed building as long as they were erected before 1 July 1948.

While Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating listed buildings, the planning authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing, including what is listed through curtilage. However, for listed buildings designated or for listings amended from 1 October 2015, legal exclusions to the listing may apply.

If part of a building is not listed, it will say that it is excluded in the statutory address and in the statement of special interest in the listed building record. The statement will use the word 'excluding' and quote the relevant section of the 1997 Act. Some earlier listed building records may use the word 'excluding', but if the Act is not quoted, the record has not been revised to reflect subsequent legislation.

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