Patrick Thoms and William Wilkie, dated 1913, garage block 1916. 2-storey, irregular-plan, later Arts and Crafts style, gabled house with small modern addition. Harled brick, polished stone dressings, partial base course, red tile roof. Windows mainly 6-pane casements with chamfered reveals; hoppers with Tudor rose motifs; deep eaves; shouldered gables with narrow attic lights and Lorimerian apex detail; tall stone-coped stacks with uniform clay cans; piended-roof.
N (ENTRANCE) ELEVATION: 3-bay main block at right; corner loggia formed with round-headed arch at N W corner; 2-leaf door, bipartite window at left, tripartite at 1st floor. Single storey modern flat-roofed projection at left (converted to kitchen/dining room by Nicoll Russell Studio, Broughty Ferry, 1987); 3 keystoned and glazed arches to W echoing loggia at S elevation, coped wallhead, blank N elevation. 1st floor; slightly advanced gable at left with angle stack and bipartite stair window; flat-roofed bay at centre with bipartite window, modern rooflight.
S ELEVATION: 4 symmetrical bays, base course. 1st and 3rd bays gabled and advanced linked by arcaded leggia (later glazing) with corbelled parapet. Tripartite window set-back at 1st floor; gabled bays at left with 4-light window at ground floor and tripartite at 1st floor; glazed door opening to balcony; gabled bay at right detailed similarly but with shallow 5-light window at ground floor and 3-light at fist floor. Set-back bay at outer righ; tripartite window at ground floor, bipartite at 1st. Large hopper dated 1913.
E ELEVATION: asymmetrical; advanced entrance porch with piended-roof swept into main pitch at centre right, clasping ful-height gabled stair bay at centre with single window on return, stair window at 1st floor. Set-back bay at left with bipartite window at ground floor and 2 windows at 1st floor. Tripartite window and further door at right; piended dormer.
W ELEVATION: asymmetrical. Arch at left. Chimney-breat at centre, part corbelled at 1st floor, set-back window at ground floor; shouldered wallhead stack. Set-back bay at right with bipartite at ground floor, single at 1st.
GARAGE< GATEPIERS AND GATES: split-level detached garage with piended roof at far left. Single storey and attic service block at centre; bipartite window at left, piended-roof, 2 piended dormers at right return. Gatepiers with pyramidal caps at far right; wrought-iron gates (appear to be original).
Polygonal plan timber summerhouse in garden with some Art Nouveau stained glass.
INTERIOR: oak panelled hall withbrick chimneypiece and carved timber mantle; small exposed ceiling beams with simple grape and foliate plaster cornice. 2-tiered screen of turned balusters and round-arch arcade forming part of panelled well stair, coomb ceiling with acorn pattern plaster decoration. Drawing room: classically detailed chimneypiece; delicate plasterwork ceiling; original door and window furniture. Parlour: carved oak chimneypiece. Original light fittings in hall, parlour and some bedrooms.