Maps, Plans and Archives
c.1636-52 Robert Gordon, 'A description of the province of the Merche'
1654 Johannes Blaeu, Mercia, vulgo vicecomitatus, Bervicensis/ auct. Timothei Pont. Merse or Shirrefdome of Berwick
1745 Herman Moll, 'The Shire of Berwick alias the Mers or March and Lauderdale/ by H. Moll'
1747-55 General Roy's Military Survey
1771 Andrew Armstrong and Mostyn Armstrong, 'Map of the County of Berwick'
1797 John Blackadder, 'Berwickshire'
1821 John Thomson, 'Berwick-Shire'
1826 Sharp, Greenwood and Fowler, 'The County of Berwick'
1843 William Crawford and William Brooke, 'Map embracing extensive portions of the Counties of Roxburgh, Berwick, Selkirk & Midlothian and Part of Northumberland. Minutely and accurately surveyed by… Crawford and Brooke'
1855-7 survey Berwickshire, 1st edition OS 1:2500 (25”) and OS 1:10560 (6”), published 1862
1896-8 survey Berwickshire, 2nd edition OS 1:2500 (25”) and OS 1:10560 (6”), published 1909
NAS RHP22530 Particulars of sale and plan of the estate of Mertoun, the property of the trust estate of Rt. Hon. Lord Polwarth, (1912)
RCAHMS: National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) and photographic and manuscript collections
Printed Sources
ASH Consulting Group 1998, The Borders landscape assessment, Edinburgh: Scottish Natural Heritage.
Cruft, K; Dunbar, J and Fawcett, R 2006, Borders, London and New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press
Groome, Francis H 1894, Ordnance Gazeteer of Scotland, London
Historic Scotland on behalf of Scottish Ministers, The Lists of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest
Land Use Consultants 1987, Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland, Edinburgh: Historic Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage
Tait, William 1996, 'Borders bright', Country Life, 190, 16, 18 April, 82-5
Internet Sources
'RHS honours four with horticulture's highest acolade', Royal Horticultural Society Press Release, [accessed 18 June 2009]
Scran: 'Interviews on life at Mertoun, St. Boswells', Recording of interview for BBC Radio Tweed (1989) [accessed 18 June 2009]
SiteLink: Scottish Natural Heritage, Sites designated for their natural heritage value, [accessed 18 June 2009]
Note of Abbreviations used in references
NAS: National Archives of Scotland
RCAHMS: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland