Hume Brown, P. 1902. History of Scotland: From the accession of Mary Stewart to the Revolution of 1689. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
MacGregor, A. 1907. The Feuds of the Clans: Together with the history of the feuds and conflicts among the clans in the northern parts of Scotland and the Western Isles. Stirling: Mackay
Williamson, A. H. 1979. Scottish National Consciousness in the Age of James VI: the Apocalypse, the union and shaping of Scotland's public culture. Edinburgh: Donald
Wormald, J. Kirk, Court and Community: Scotland 1470-1625. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University press
Information on Sources & Publication
The battle of Glenlivet is well documented in both primary and secondary sources, though no rigorous modern assessment of the battlefield has been attempted other than this document. The background to the conflict is well illustrated with legal documents relating to the Act of Abolition, the Commissioning of the Earls of Argyll and Atholl with the Lieutenancy of the north, and Acts of Parliament. Other primary sources include the proceedings of the Kirk of Scotland and correspondence between King James VI of Scotland and the Earl of Huntly, as well as the English Ambassador Robert Bowes' personal correspondence. Gaelic poems and ballads were written about the engagement, passed on through oral tradition and transcribed by later antiquarians and scholars. These, however, have been embellished with details and speeches of dubious veracity (e.g. The Ballad of Balrinnes).
Primary Sources
12 June 1593. Anent the Act of Parliament for dissolution of his Majesty's property states that lands formerly belonging to Huntly, Erroll and Gordon of Auchindowne were now at the King's disposal. Register of the Privy Council for Scotland. 1st Series. Vol 5 (1592-1599), p 146
6 January 1593. Act approving of the apprehension and warding of the Earl of Angus after the discovery of the Spanish Blanks. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. 1st Series. Vol 5 (1592-1599) p. 35
25 July 1593. Commission of Lieutenancy of the north to the Earls of Argyll and Atholl to deal with traitorous Jesuits returned from abroad accompanied with strangers and supplied with money to 'stir up public weare'. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. 1st Series. Vol 5 (1592-1599) p. 157
12 November 1593. Act of Abolition declaring that all Jesuits, Papists and extracommunicated persons are ordered to leave the country. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. 1st Series. Vol 5 (1592-1599) p. 371
19 December 1598. Act for the perpetual banishment of James Gordon, Jesuit, uncle of George Gordon. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. 1st Series. Vol 5 (1592-1599) p. 503-4
Accounts of the (Lord High) Treasurer of Scotland, 13 vols., T. Dickson et al. (eds) 1877. London: HMSO
Acts and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, 3 vols., T. Thomson (ed) 1838. Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club
The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 12 vols., T. Thomson and C. Innes. (eds) 1814-75. Edinburgh
Akrigg, G. P. V. (ed) 1984. Letters King James VI and I. California: Berkley
Anderson, A. (ed) 1838. Letters and State Papers during the Reign of James VI. Edinburgh: Abbotsford Club
Bruce, J. (ed) 1849. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland. London: Camden Society
Calderwood, D. 1842-9. History of the Kirk of Scotland, 8 vols., T. Thomson and D. Laing (eds). Edinburgh: Wodrow Society
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603. 13 vols, J. Bain et al. (eds). 1898. Edinburgh: HMSO
Chambers, R. 1885. Domestic Annals of Scotland. Edinburgh: Chambers
Craigie, J. (ed) 1948-52. Epithalamion upon the Marques of Huntlies marriage, in Poems of King James VI of Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society
Criminal Trials in Scotland from AD 1488 to AD 1624, 3 vols. R. Pitcairn (ed). 1833. Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club
Dayell, Sir J. G. (ed) 1801. Scottish Poems of the Sixteenth Century, i. Edinburgh:
Fraser, W. 1883. The Chiefs of Grant, 3 vols. Edinburgh
Gordon, G. 1791-9. Parish of Mortlach. New Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. 28: 413-46
The historie and life of King James the Sext : being an account of the affairs of Scotland, from the year 1566, to the year 1596; with a short continuation to the year 1617, T. Thomson (ed). Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club
Keith, R. 1844-50. History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformatin to the year 1568, 3 vols. Edinburgh: Spottiswoode Society
Law, T. G. (ed) 1893. Documents illustrating Catholic Policy in the Reign of James VI, 1596-1598 in Miscellany of the Scottish History Society, First Volume (SHS, 1893)
Letters from Robert Bowes, the English Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil, 8 October 1594 in Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603. 13 vols, J. Bain et al. (eds). 1898. Edinburgh: HMSO
Miscellany of the Scottish History Society. 11 vols. 1893. Edinburgh: T & A Constable for the Scottish History Society
Miscellany of the Spalding Club 1844-52. 5 vols. Aberdeen: Spalding Club
Moysie, D. 1830. Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, 1577-1603, J. Denniston (ed). Edinburgh: Maitland Club
Pitcairn. R. (ed) 1833. Criminal Trials in Scotland, 1488-1624. Edinburgh
Pollen, S. J. 1921. Sources for the History of Roman Catholics in England, Ireland and Scotland from the Reformation Period to that of the Emancipation, 1533 to 1795. London: SPCK
Registrum Magni Sigilli Regnum Scotorum (Register of the Great Seal of Scotland), J. M. Thomson et al} (eds), 11 vols. Edinburgh
The New Statistical Account of Scotland. 1834-45. Vol. 13
National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh
E.34: Household Papers and Accounts of James VI
E.34/36 Report by the Privy Council on the estate of the king's household, 1582
E.34/50 Papers regarding James's visit to Scotland
GD 26: Leven and Melville Muniments
GD26/7/393 Manuscript volume of 17th Century transcriptions of 15th and 16th Century papers relating to Scotland
GD 44: Gordon Castle Muniments
GD44/1/1/6-10 Inventory of Writs, i
GD44/5/2/4 Enzie Estates
GD44/5/6/16 Auchindoun Estates
GD44/5/13/8 & 11 Auchindoun Estates
GD44/15/3/2-3 Patronages
GD44/15/6/1 Patronages
GD44/16/4/13 Patronages
GD44/16/7/1 Patronages
GD44/22/9 & 33 Lordship of Enzie, Miscellaneous Papers, 1585-1725
GD44/23/14 Lordship of Enzie, Miscellaneous Papers, 1585-1725
GD 176: Mackintosh Muniments
GD176/158 Copy of Parliamentary Act in favour of Huntly, Angus, Erroll and followers, 1592
National Register of Archives, Edinburgh
NRA/224 Atholl Manuscripts
NRA/925 Errol and Bannerman of Crimontgate sections ii and iii
Cartographic & Illustrative Sources
No further information.
Secondary Sources
Brooks, R. 2007. Cassell's Battlefields of Britain and Ireland, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Brown, K. M. 1986. Bloodfeud in Scotland, 1573-1625: Violence, Justice and Politics in an Early Modern Society. Edinburgh: John Donald
Burton, J. H. 1867. The history of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the revolution of 1688. London: W Blackwood
Church of Scotland General Assembly. 1839. The booke of the universall Kirk of Scotland : wherein the heads and conclusion is devysit be the ministers and commissionaris of the particular kirks thereof are specially expressed and contained. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co.
Darton, M. 1994. Dictionary of Place Names in Scotland. Kent: Eric Dobby Publishing
Dunlop, J. 1955. The Clan Gordon: 'Cock o' the North'. Edinburgh: W & A K Johnston
Gordon, C. A. 1890. Concise History of the Ancient and Illustrious House of Gordon. Aberdeen: Wylie
Grant, R. 2010. George Gordon, sixth Earl of Huntly and the politics of the counter-Reformation in Scotland, 1581-1595. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Edinburgh
Hume Brown, P. 1902. History of Scotland: From the accession of Mary Stewart to the Revolution of 1689. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
MacGregor, A. 1907. The Feuds of the Clans: Together with the history of the feuds and conflicts among the clans in the northern parts of Scotland and the Western Isles. Stirling: Mackay
Shaw, G. P. 1926. An Old Story of a Highland Parish. London: Sands & Co
Small, J. 1876-8. Original Letter of Queen Elizabeth to Anne, Queen of James VI., dated at Richmond, 20th January 1595, with Relative Letter of Sir Robert Bowes, the English Ambassador at the Scottish Court, dated 24th February 1595. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 12. 92-7
Williamson, A. H. 1979. Scottish National Consciousness in the Age of James VI: the Apocalypse, the union and shaping of Scotland's public culture. Edinburgh: Donald
Wormald, J. Kirk, Court and Community: Scotland 1470-1625. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University press
Catholic Pamphlets. 2011. [Last accessed: 01/09/2011]
Te Deum Laundamus hymn. Available digitally at [Last accessed: 02/09/2011]
Lyrics for the Ballad of Balrinnes. Available digitally at [Last accessed: 04/08/2011]
Photograph of visitor board at Glenlivet battlefield site. [Last accessed: 30/08/2011]
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