The monument consists of a broch, surrounded by an enclosure and associated with other enclosures and dykes. The monument is in an elevated location within a forestry plantation.
The broch measures 9.5m in diameter within a wall 4m thick with an entrance 1m wide in the SE. There are guard-chambers on either side
of the entrance passage and four other chambers within the width of
the wall. The chamber W of the entrance appeared in 1909 to be the staircase gallery. The chambers and entrance are still visible,
although they are almost filled with collapsed walling. The outer
face of the broch wall stands to 1.2m. Abutting the broch to the NW
is a D-shaped enclosure built of broch material. To the E of the
broch are traces of a large oval scooped enclosure 18m by 10m. The
broch is surrounded by the remains of a probable outer enclosure.
This is most distinct on the S, E and N as a marked break of slope.
In addition there are a number of dykes that appear to focus on the broch and may be prehistoric in date.
The area to be scheduled measures 140m NNW-SSE by 65m E-W, to include the broch, the outer enclosure, one of the dykes running S from the broch and an area around in which traces of activities associated
with the construction and use of the broch may survive, as shown in
red on the attached plan.