Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
NO 34221 38139
334221, 738139


Rebuilt 1775, incorporating parts of 15th and early 17th century building; re-cast and repaired 1910, James W Mackison. Rectangular-plan church with chancel and sealed burial vault at E, square entrance tower at W. Ashlar/coursed squared rubble at S elevation, E gable and tower, Aberdeen bond at N elevation and partially at W gable, grey slate roof. Windows at S elevation of nave are square-headed, margined and rebated at arrises for shutters, some pins remaining, 12-pane sash and case glazing; paired Tudor-arched windows at S elevation of chancel; cavetto eaves course at N and S elevations of chancel; moulded bargeboards.

W GABLE WITH TOWER: 2-stage tower advanced at centre; doorway at centre above base course flanked by modern metal handrails, 2-leaf door, roll-moulded doorcase with blocks at base and head of jamb, blinded keystoned round-headed fanlight above lintel; band course at 1st floor level, upper stage slightly stepped back; door at 1st floor level right return breaking through band course approached by oversailing forestair with plain metal handrail; boarded chamfered opening at W elevation. square-headed louvred belfry openings above at N, S and W; corbelled cornice, stone sweeping pyramidal roof with base, annulet and cap, late 17th century in form, prominent weather cock; main gable at left has window at ground floor.

S ELEVATION: 6-bay nave at left; 5 windows, blinded doorway (probably 17th century) second bay from left with moulded doorcase and keystoned segmental arch, blocks at base, moulded imposts. Lower chancel recessed at right: 3-bay; door at off-centre left approached by steps flanked by modern metal handrails, moulded doorcase (probably 15th century) with elaborately moulded jambs and inward sloping splay at base; 2-light windows at left and right; eroded sundial with deflector missing at top right; cavetto eaves course.

E GABLE: small blocked chamfered opening to crypt to centre bottom; tombstone affixed to wall above ground level at right; sunken sundial at top left; 2 corbels at top centre, 1 dated 1630, 1 with fleur-de-lis and eroded inscription 'Ave Maria'.

N ELEVATION: blank nave at right; chancel at left has later lean-to and tall brick stack.

INTERIOR: nave has boarded dado, plaster above, flat ceiling with moulded cornice, consoled beams; door screen, pews, pulpit and communion table 1910; 15th century moulded Gothic chancel arch; fielded wainscot panelling in chancel formed from 18th century box pews, 1910; mediaeval octagonal pillar font; Act of Parliament clock (circa 1797) by James Ivory, Dundee at W wall; repentance stool with new seat in chancel; Second World War memorial on N wall, Valentine memorial on W wall; stained glass memorial window on S chancel wall to Rev W Mason Inglis (minister 1878-1912), stained glass memorial window on W wall to Rev J Kirkland Cameron (minister 1912-1942) by A L Russell; bell inscribed 'Parish of Auchterhouse 1834); kingpost roof with some numbered timbers. CHURCHYARD: rubble boundary walls at N, S, E and W; ashlar gatepiers at N and S with moulded tracery caps; gateposts at NE formed from moulded tracery; 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century tombstones; 3 early 19th century burial enclosures on W wall, droved ashlar, corniced rear wall with open pediment and side panels, cast-iron railings.

Statement of Special Interest

The mediaeval Gothic church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and perhaps resembling the church at Fowlis Easter was largely demolished and replaced in 1630, this second building undergoing extensive rebuilding in 1775. The burial vault (formerly the Buchan, then Airlie aisle and burial place), chancel arch and doorway, and tracery at the various gatepiers probably derive from the earlier building; the nave door probably dates to 1630. There are two mort cloths and the remains of what may be a mediaeval font or holy water stoop in the attic. The branks formerly fept at the church are now in the possession of the National Museums of Scotland. The tower roof echoes late 17th century examples such as that at Old College, Glasgow (demolished).



J Kirkland Cameron and M Oliphant Valentine AUCHTERHOUSE OLD AND NEW (1932); OSA (1795), vol.XIV, p524; NSA (1845), vol.XI, p654; Andrew Jervise, EPITAPHS AND INSCRIPTIONS (1875), vol.1, pp1-5; Andrew Jervise MEMORIALS OF ANGUS AND THE MEARNS (1885), vol.II, pp126-7; David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross, THE ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND (1897), vol.III pp541-2 and vol.V (1892), p385; W Mason Inglis, ANNULS OF AN ANGUS PARISH (1888), pp74-6; W Mason Inglis, AN ANGUS PARISH IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (1904); Alexander J Warden, ANGUS OR FORFARSHIRE(]

]), vol.II, pp384-5; Heritors' Minutes (1910), Scottish Record Office, HR 327.1.

About Listed Buildings

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While Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating listed buildings, the planning authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing, including what is listed through curtilage. However, for listed buildings designated or for listings amended from 1 October 2015, legal exclusions to the listing may apply.

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