Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Group Category Details
Date Added
Local Authority
Orkney Islands
Planning Authority
Orkney Islands
Birsay And Harray
HY 26223 22940
326223, 1022940


1940-41. Combined Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) control tower and operations block, set in open landscape now comprising principal building of Twatt Airfield (former HMS Tern). Rendered brick. 3-storey, rectangular-plan control room and watch office adjoining single-storey operations block to form T-plan.

OPERATIONS BLOCK: single storey, flat-roofed operations block at ground surrounded by outer brick blast-wall and earthwork embankments; blast wall entrance to S corner angle. Main entrance to operations block to centre W elevation; 2 small windows flanking. 2 doorways and 3 windows to S elevation. Stair to SE corner angle rising to roof, parapeted to hold stone chippings; concrete drainage gutter bridging gap between outer blast wall; tall, narrow brick chimney with clay can. Cast-iron rainwater goods.

CONTROL ROOM/WATCH OFFICE: predominantly narrow horizontal openings to control room. External metal stair rising from roof of operations block to cantilevered, shuttered concrete walkway around N, S and E elevations of control tower watch office; large openings flanked by narrower lights to N, S and E elevations of watch office.

INTERIOR (seen 2010): operations block; arrangement of 11 rooms and ground floor of control tower surrounding central operations room. Brick shelves in L-plan arrangement to central room. Square hatch opening rising though floors of control tower to watch room above.

Statement of Special Interest

Part of a B Group at Twatt Airfield including: Combined Control Tower and Operations Block; 5 Air-Raid Shelters; 2 Pillboxes (see separate listings).

The Royal Naval Air Service combined control tower and operations building at Twatt Airfield is an important survival of a Second World War airfield building in Orkney.

The building is an early example of this integrated design, similar to early watch offices with attached operations rooms found on RAF satellite bomber airfields in the English midlands. The blast walls and earthwork embankments surrounding the operations block to roof level indicate the perceived level of threat and the importance of maintaining airfield operations in Orkney. The internal plan also differs from standardised RNAS control tower design with a suite of rooms surrounding a central operation room at the core providing additional protection from potential bomb and gas attack. There is an internal hatch rising through the floors to the watch room. Most of the outer rooms have a window for light and ventilation. The structure occupies a prominent position on open ground within the surrounding low-lying landscape.

The strategic contribution of Orkney during World War II was nationally significant. Air defences in Orkney were a significant contributor to national security with strikes from airfields in Orkney helping to counter U-boat, surface vessel and air threats over the North Sea and at Scapa Flow. The airfield at Twatt was begun in 1940 and commissioned as HMS Tern in 1941 as a satellite of Hatston airfield for the Royal Marine engineers and remained in service until 1949. The hub of the Royal Navy's sea base operations were located at Lyness at the entrance to Scapa Flow including the Wee Fea Naval Communications and Operational Centre (see separate listings).

Royal Naval Air Stations were separate from the Air Ministry and therefore developed their own distinct airfield architecture and layout. Most satellite airfields had smaller watch offices although throughout the war many were adapted as needs changed. The RNAS airfield layout tended to have 4 intersecting runways rather than the 'A' plan layout favoured by the Air Ministry (RAF).

The interest of the control tower is increased by the survival of various associated WWII structures. Of the four main military airfields in Orkney, Twatt has the greatest level of surviving WWII infrastructure with little remaining at Hatston, Skeabrae and Grimstter (Kirkwall). The surviving elements include 5 concrete air-raid shelters and 2 octagonal concrete pill boxes (see separate listings). None of the aircraft hangers remain. Other remains include the brick shells of the vehicle and parachute stores, sick bay/decontamination unit and generator house and the projection room section of the former cinema. The airfield covered 440 acres of land in 1941, extended to a total of 564 acres in 1943. There are three abandoned 19th century farmsteads within the perimeter.



Civil Engineer in Chief's Dept, Plan of R.N.A.S - Twatt S2559/44 (1944). D J Smith, Action Stations 7: Military Airfields Of Scotland, The North East And Northern Ireland (1983). G Lamb, Sky over Scapa 1939-1945 (1991) pp23. Ed B Lowry, 20th Century Defences In Britain (1996) p115. W Hewison, This Great Harbour: Scapa Flow, Aspects of Orkney Series (1985) pp 323, 326-7. Further information courtesy of Paul Francis, Geoffrey Stell and Birsay Heritage Trust (2011).

About Listed Buildings

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