Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Group Category Details
100000020 - SEE NOTES
Date Added
Local Authority
East Lothian
Planning Authority
East Lothian
NT 68013 79133
368013, 679133


Basil Spence and Partners, 1953-56 (Basil Spence, partner-in-charge; Hardie Glover, job architect; Andrew Renton, designer; Bruce Robertson, partner in charge; Sarah McCosh; Bill Rowarth; James Beveridge, Richard Cassidy). 3 storeys, L-plan housing with Modernist and vernacular references; part of a municipal housing development set around drying green near harbour, with land falling away to E. Cavity brick construction, painted harl with red sandstone random rubble at ground floor to N and E elevations and gables. Eaves course to gables. Flatted ground floor advanced to form exterior entrance walkway at 1st floor to maisonettes; exterior stair to walkway at E gable elevation supported on slender steel columns. Concrete walkway, treads, balconies, some lintels and projecting narrow cills; iron balustrades.

N (BUNCLES COURT) ELEVATION: 6 bays; irregular fenestration. Ground floor recessed at centre and left of centre, divided by random rubble wall. Store to outer left at ground. Single entrance door (No. 1) in central recess. Single entrance door to maisonette (No. 4) to 2nd bay from left; single entrance door with half glazed sidelight (Nos. 2 and 3) to left of centre and outer right bay.

E (LAMER STREET) ELEVATION: 5 bays with 2-bay gable to right; irregular fenestration. Ground floor recessed to outer bays and bay right of centre; overhang supported on iron columns; forestair to single entrance door in return. Single entrance doors with half glazed sidelight to maisonettes (Nos 34 and 36) at 2nd and 3rd bay from left. Gable with single entrance (No 38) at left; small projecting balcony at 3rd floor to right.

SW (REAR) ELEVATION: regular fenestration; projecting balconies at 2nd floor.

Variety of replacement uPVC glazing and doors. Grey slate pitched roofs; random rubble and coped ridge stacks, some with clay cans.

INTERIORS (partially seen 2010): simple plan-forms of flats and maisonettes generally intact; fisherman stores to ground floor.

Statement of Special Interest

B-Group consisting of Nos 1-6 Harbour Court, Nos 3-9 Victoria Place, 12-30, 15A-15D and 19A-19C Victoria Street, Nos 8-12 Writer's Court, Nos 1-4 Buncles Court and Nos 30-38 Lamer Street (see separate list entries).

The design of this post-war municipal housing development near Victoria Harbour is a skilful blend of the modern idiom with the vernacular of Scotland's East Coast fishing villages. Modern thin iron railings, picture windows, projecting concrete balconies and coloured harl are combined with the traditions of ground floor stores with forestairs giving access to dwellings above, and natural materials such as red sandstone bases and slate, a physical and intentionally visible combination of old and new. Arranged in informal picturesque groupings this scheme provided a model for Scottish burgh redevelopment in the 1950s and 1960s. This scheme has subsequently been labelled " exemplar of urban conservation" (Edwards, p39), and assisted in establishing Spence as a key figure in urban housing architecture.

The 9 properties of Lamer Street and Buncles Court comprise the second phase of post-war development around Victoria Harbour by the prolific Scottish architect Basil Spence. The first phase consisted of 20 houses, and these were being occupied by mid-1951. Spence, with former partner, William Kininmonth, had already begun redevelopment of the harbour area with a terrace of houses, 12-30 Victoria Street, in 1935. Immediately after WWII, Spence began work on a large new housing scheme for Dunbar at the Summerfield site and by 1948 plans were being prepared for 20 houses at the harbour side as well. Additional funding was provided as part of the government's attempt to develop the east coast fisheries - priority for housing was given to fishermen. But character was also deemed important as Dunbar promoted itself as a tourist destination. This is arguably Basil Spence's best-known Scottish work, due partly to his famous aerial perspective, which captivated the imagination of both the public and the architectural press.

The success of the scheme was acknowledged with a Saltire housing award in 1952 and similar commissions for Spence for the regeneration of Newhaven, Cramond and Culross, although only Newhaven was carried through to execution. Both respectful of their surroundings and both promoting the importance of the past whilst meeting contemporary needs and looking to the future, Dunbar and Newhaven established Spence as a key figure in post-war urban architecture.

Sir Basil Spence was one of Scotland's most accomplished and prolific 20th century architects. He leapt to prominence during the Festival of Britain in 1951 as chief architect for the Exhibition of Industrial Power in Glasgow. Some of his most renowned works include Coventry Cathedral and the British Embassy in Rome. The practice was also profuse in the design of housing schemes, such as Great Michael Rise, Newhaven, Edinburgh (1957-9) and Canongate, Edinburgh (1961-9) (see separate listings).

Many of the original windows and doors have been replaced with a variety of materials and glazing patterns. The original glazing pattern predominantly consisted of casement windows flanking a fixed pane window with top hung hopper and fully glazed sidelights to the doors. It is evident in photographs taken after completion from the Sir Basil Spence Collection and Spence, Glover & Ferguson Collection.

Listed as part of the Sir Basil Spence thematic listing survey (2009-11).



Sir Basil Spence Collection, RCAHMS, Canmore ID 138342. Spence, Glover & Ferguson Collection, RCAHMS, Canmore ID 138342. Dunbar Dean of Guild Court Minutes Book (15 Jan 1949), NAS, B18/19/1. Dunbar Town Council Minutes, NAS, B18/13/22, B18/13/26, B18/13/29-33. Housing Development in Harbour Area, NAS, B18/20/11-12, 22-23. The Builder (7 November 1951). 'Housing at Dunbar, Scotland', Architectural Review (December 1952), p396. 'Fishermen's Houses', The Architect and Building News (15 April 1959), pp334-337. B Edwards, Basil Spence 1907-1976 (1995) p39. P Long & J Thomas (Eds), Basil Spence Architect (2007), pp41, 89, 90. C Fenton, 'Basil Spence - The Otherness of Tradition' in DOCOMOMO No36 (March 2007), p88.

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