Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
NC 69979 62100
269979, 962100


Multi-phase early to mid 19th century former fishing station complex comprising: ice house built into steep bank to S, gabled range to N including substantially ruinous 2-storey 3-bay dwelling house with long single storey boilhouse range extending from N gable. Harled and harl-pointed random rubble walls with ladder pinnings and brick repairs. Turf overlay to ice house roof, graded grey slab roof to boilhouse.

ICE HOUSE: asymmetrical W gable with entrance door centred on gablehead and retaining wing-wall at right. Interior; flagstone floors, barrel-vaulted entrance chamber leading to barrel-vaulted main space with 2 ice-loading doors to vault; modern refrigeration plant to rear of main space (2003).

RUINED DWELLING HOUSE: surviving left bay of W (principal) elevation, N gable with rubble apex stack, corresponding S end wall missing gablehead with modern roofless single storey lean-to.

BOILHOUSE: asymmetrical W (principal) elevation with vertically-boarded door at centre flanked by windows (infilled at right). Widened door opening to left with window to outer right. Blank harled red brick N gable; brick infill to former openings in E (rear) elevation. Interior: exposed timber beams; one inscribed "5th September 1840 Duke and Duchess of Sutherland hear visited".

Statement of Special Interest

Simple and partly ruinous, this grouping of buildings are valuable survivors of a once thriving local industry which operated on the River Naver during the 19th and 20th centuries. Salmon was caught by means of a sweep net and transported the small distance from the shore to the fishing station. Each day's catch was washed, gutted, and cooked in the boilhouse before being salted and packed into wooden barrels, or sealed in large tins. The packed fish was taken along a track to a natural port at the nearby headland and dispatched by sea. A plan of 1810 shows the boilhouse in existence, it is thought that the present boilhouse follows this footprint and contains original fabric (the brick gable ends demonstrate later 19th re-build). In 1846 it is recorded that the ice house was built marking an increase in productivity, it is possible that the 2-storey dwelling house was constructed in response to this. The ice house enabled salmon to be stored before transportation and probably allowed

fresh salmon to be packed on ice and dispatched on fast ships to London and other ports. Between the icehouse and the village is a shallow depression in the ground (formerly a pond) which was used to stock the icehouse with fresh ice in cold weather, otherwise the ice would have been collected and transported from further inland. The Ordnance Survey maps show that there was an outshot to the rear of the boilhouse, this is no longer, however former access to it is indicated by bricked up openings in the rear wall. Due to conservation measures the fishery completely ceased operation in 1992. The ice house and boilhouse are at present (2003) without their doors and windows, it is noted that the roof of the boilhouse is beginning to fail, with slabs slipping. The nearby concrete pier does not appear on the 1st or 2nd edition Ordnance survey maps, most likely being built as a more direct means of dispatching the fish, replacing the short journey up to the headland. It is interesting to note that one can discern a considerable amount of blasting to have taken place at the rocky foreshore, some time in the 19th century. This enabled the fish to be landed and carried up to the station with greater ease.



Rev J Dingwall, The Statistical Account of Scotland (1792) Vol 3 p. 539; Sutherland Estate Plan (1810); 1st edition (Sutherland) Ordnance Survey Map (1878); Elizabeth Beaton, Sutherland - An Illustrated Architectural Guide (1995) p.41

About Listed Buildings

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Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

We list buildings which are found to be of special architectural or historic interest using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

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