Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
NO 53786 38586
353786, 738586


David Bryce, circa 1852. Scots Jacobean asymmetrical stables and service complex, U-plan (see Notes; possibly incorporating 17th century kitchen court) single storey block to NW linked to 2-storey courtyard to SE. Predominantly squared snecked rubble with some ashlar detailing. Raised margins to openings. Predominantly crowstepped gables. Alternate pedimented and segmantal dormer-headed windows to 1st floor of courtyard block.

U-PLAN BLOCK: to NE elevation, to centre, large shouldered pend opening, flanked by arrow-slit openings; string course above; corniced crenellated parapet with segmental pediments surmounting the merlons; to far right, corbelled-out panelled and corniced wall-end stack. To NE corner, small projecting 2-storey octagonal tower; string course dividing ground and 1st floors; louvred openings to 1st floor (laundry or larder); eaves cornice; fish-scale slated ogee roof with ball and spike finial. SE wing with crow-stepped, M-gabled SE elevation.

COURTYARD BLOCK: to centre NE elevation, pend opening to courtyard. To SW elevation, advanced M-gabled section to centre.

GLAZING etc: predominantly 8 or 12 pane glazing in timber sash and case windows. Pitched roofs; grey slates. Several corniced wall-head and gable-head stacks. Some cast-iron rain water goods and hoppers.

INTERIOR: large room with massive classical pilastered stone chimneypiece (see Notes); timber hammerbeam roof supported by stone corbels. Remainder of interior not seen.

Statement of Special Interest

The former Stables and Service Block, Panmure Estate, are significant value for several reasons. They are the only extant sections of Panmure House, a building which had great architectural and historical interest both for its long association with the Maule family, and because of the eminent architects (Mylne, Bruce and Bryce) who contributed to its fabric and setting. The U-plan block retains the footprint and position of the 17th century south service wing (the 'kitchen court'). These buildings are also valuable examples of Bryce's work in their own right and contribute to knowledge of the general development and design of the service wings of large country houses in the 19th century.

The Panmure Estate was a seat of the Maule family for many centuries. Panmure Castle (the ruins of which lie to the SE of the stables) is thought to have been built around 1224 by Sir Peter Maule following his marriage to Christiana de Valloniis, the heiress to the estate. In 1666, the 2nd Earl of Panmure commissioned John Mylne, Master Mason to the King, to design a new mansion house. Alexander Nesbitt, an Edinburgh mason, superintended the work following Mylne's death the following year. The new Panmure House was an impressive Scots Renaissance building with ogee-roofed corner towers to the west front and convex quadrant links leading to flanking service pavilions. It is thought that Sir William Bruce may also have produced plans for the new Panmure House, but there are none extant. He did however make some slightly later alterations, and also designed the Renaissance Commemorative Column (circa 1694; Category A, see separate List Description) and the West Gates (circa 1672; Category A, see separate List Description).

In the 1850s, the house underwent considerable alteration and remodelling to the designs of David Bryce, commissioned by Fox Maule Ramsay, the 2nd Baron of Panmure. This work took place between 1852 and 1855 and included the addition of a central tower to the west front, corner towers to match Mylne's to the east front and the remodelling of the service wings. Bryce also designed various buildings in the surrounding estate including the East Gate and Lodges, Gardeners House and the Montague Bridge (all extant; see separate List Descriptions).

In his alterations to the service wings of Panmure House, Bryce substantially retained the position and footprint of the 17th century wings, remodelling them with Jacobean detailing, but replaced the quadrant links with more substantial gabled linking blocks and built an additional courtyard to the south-east of the south service court. In 1860, Fox Maule Ramsay inherited the title of Earl of Dalhousie and made Brechin Castle his home: as a result, despite its recent remodelling, Panmure House was to be very rarely used for the remainder of its existence, excepting its use during WW11 by billeted soldiers. In 1950, the Panmure estate was sold to pay death duties following the death of the 15th Earl. The new owners gutted the interior of the house and in 1955 demolished it by blowing it up. The only extant remnants of Panmure House are the U-plan block (the western half of the south service court) and the courtyard linked to its south?east corner. The massive classical fireplace is thought to have been to have been removed from an older building and reinstalled; it is probable it was removed from Panmure House and reused in the service block during Bryce?s remodelling. It appears to be 17th century / early 18th century with a later infill to suit a coal fire.



O.S. Maps 1865, 1903, 1923. William Adam, VITRUVIUS SCOTICUS, (1812). Fiddes and Rowan, DAVID BRYCE, (1976), p128. Glendinning, MacInnes and MacKechnie, A HISTORY OF SCOTTISH ARCHITECTURE, (1997), pp90-92. THE MAULE FAMILY HISTORY at Photographs held by NMRS, St Andrews University Library, University of Strathclyde and Dundee Central Library photographic collection.

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