Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Date Added
Supplementary Information Updated
Local Authority
Planning Authority
NS 54528 93535
254528, 693535


Eben Simpson of Stirling, 1903 (incorporating earlier house of probably later 19th century); rebuilt and partially remodelled (interior completely renewed) late 1920's. 2-storey and 2-storey and attic; irregular-plan; mansion. Scottish Baronial design with crowstepped gables throughout (except to principal/E elevation where removed in 1920's remodelling), mullioned windows; circular-plan towers flanking principal elevation and crenellated parapet (of 1920's date) to principal and S elevations. Coursed stugged stone with lightly droved red sandstone dressings. Base course to most parts. Red sandstone long and short surrounds to openings; chamfered reveals to windows (except to those with roll-moulded inner surrounds). Red sandstone quoins at arrises.

E (ENTRANCE) ELEVATION: 6-bay including flanking circular-plan tower bays at outer arrises; 2-bay section to outer left set forward. Entrance to 2nd bay from left of 4-bay section set back to right; rectangular-plan porch with crenellated parapet corbelled out slighly over roll-moulded band; blank plaque at centre; band course below cill level; pointed-arched entrance with roll-moulded reveal and moulded surround above springing point; 2-leaf boarded and studded timber door with strap hinges; small window to each of outer returns of porch; pointed-arched entrance set back within; finely panelled timber door with glazed upper lights; timber beam set above inscribed 'Welcome the Coming'; datestone of 1850 (probably from earlier house on site) re-sited immediately above (timber beam opposite inscribed 'Speed the Parting Guest'). Narrow window set back to right of porch. Mullioned bipartite above and to 1st floor of flanking bays (moulded cill band across) and ground floor of that to right (separate sandstone mounting block in front dated '1903' with initials 'ERC - EKC'). Left bay projects slightly; 2 windows to ground floor. Circular-plan breaking-eaves tower with deep crenellated parapet to outer right; corbelled out slightly at 1st floor above moulded band (moulded band course above stepped up to cill of each window). 2 windows to ground floor on this side; one centred above; 2 arrowslits at upper level; window to ground and 1st floors and arrowslit at upper level to N side; cill band at ground floor. Right arris of projecting 2-bay section to outer left chamfered at ground floor/corbelled out above; narrow window to splay; window to 1st floor of right bay. Circular-plan breaking-eaves tower with deep crenellated parapet to outer left; corbelled out slightly at 1st floor above moulded band (moulded band course above stepped up to cill of each window); 2 windows to ground and 1st floors on this side; 2 arrowslits at upper level; window to ground and 1st floors and arrowslit at upper level to S side; cill band at ground floor. Upper floor of right return of 2-bay section corbelled out with 2 windows, adjoining projecting external stack to left; its corbelled-out base with panel inscribed 'IF.THIS.HOUSE.BE.FINE.OR.NOT


S ELEVATION: 8-bay with projecting gabled penultimate bays. Near-central slighlty projecting gabled bay (with beaked skewputts) 5th from left; canted mullioned tripartite window with crenellated parapet to ground and 1st floors (moulded band course between). Ground and 1st floor windows set back slightly to 2 bays to left and that to right; mullioned tripartite at ground and mullioned bipartite at 1st floor to that to right. Entrance with roll-moulded reveal to right of gabled projecting penultimate bay to left; 2-leaf boarded timber door; mullioned bipartite to 1st floor (moulded band course to bay stepped up at cill); small attic window to gable. Outer left bay rounded at ground floor arris; small window with roll-moulded reveal to right; finialled bartizan at 1st floor arris; corbelled out slightly above moulded band course and with moulded cornice; small window with roll-moulded reveal at outer angle. Projecting penultimate bay to right chamfered below lower half of 1st floor (corbellled out above); mullioned bipartite to ground floor; flanking narrow windows set at angles; mullioned tripartite to 1st floor (band course to bay setpped down below cill); small attic window to gable; waterspout at eaves to left return. Circular-plan breaking-eaves tower with deep crenellated parapet to outer right (see 'E Elevation').

N ELEVATION: flanking gabled wing ends (with scrolled and beaked skewputts) to either side of courtyard to right of centre; circular-plan tower to outer left. Square-plan red sandstone gatepiers to courtyard entrance; each with horizontal banding, friezes, cornices and coping swept upwards almost to point surmounted by ball finial; curved lamp support with cast finial in between; one leaf of boarded timber gate remaining (with wicket gate); flanking retaining walls with ridged red sandstone coping; gun loop to that to left; circular-plan finialled conical-roofed 'sentry box' to left; projecting base course and eaves cornice; small window with roll-moulded reveal to left (entrance within courtyard); wall stepped up to right of gateway; entrance (with boarded timber door) to sheds beheind to that to right; adjoining window to right; both with roll-moulded surrounds. Flat-roofed single storey section set back to left within courtyard; entrance with chamfered and stopped jambs and boarded timber door to right; 2 windows to left; 2 wide tripartites with round-headed lights and carved timber mullions set back to 1st floor. Rectangular-plan breaking-eaves 3-storey tower bay projects to right (occupying width of single storey section); window to each floor (that at ground has roll-moulded surround). 3 1st floor windows (grouped 1-2) and Venetian stair window to right to right return of left wing (E side of courtyard); small glazed flat-roofed addition at ground. Crenellated parapet to S side of courtyard, including tower bay and above stair windows. Entrance (with boarded timber door) with window with roll-moulded surround to right to ground floor of left return of right wing (W side of courtyard); single storey sheds project to right; 2 windows to1st floor; pedimented breaking-eaves dormer centred above. Gable end of left wing corbelled out at 1st floor with mullioned bipartite, blank panel to gable and corbelled out stack adjoining to left; window below to right; mullioned bipartite below to left (adjoining cill band between circular-plan tower and base course of 'sentry box'); rainspout to parapet at eaves (immediately to left of gable). Circular-plan breaking-eaves tower with deep crenellated parapet to outer left. Gable end of right wing chamfered at ground floor of right arris; corbelled out above; window with roll-moulded surround to left of ground floor; window to right of 1st floor; gablehead stack slightly corbelled out below gable.

W ELEVATION: 5-bay. Slightly projecting 2-bay section (each bay gable-headed with scrolled/beaked skewputts/waterspout in between) to right; large mullioned and transomed sexpartite (upper lights segmental-headed) to ground floor of left bay; mullioned bipartite above; small attic window to gable; 2 windows with roll-moulded surrounds to ground floor of right bay (that to left formerly entrance, that to right mullioned bipartite); 2 windows to 1st floor (that to left smaller/with roll-moulded surround); small attic window to gable; outer right arris rounded at ground floor; finialled bartizan above (see 'S Elevation'). Central bay set back to left; mullioned bipartite with flanking windows to ground floor; 3 windows above (central one smaller); breaking-eaves dormer with rounded gable with beaked skewputts centred above. Gabled bay (with beaked skewputts) to left; Small flat-roofed projecting section to ground floor; 2 windows; entrance with boarded timber door to left return; window to left of 1st floor; upper floor corbelled out slightly and steppped down to right (with blank panel); attic window to right of gable. Outer right bay chamfered at ground floor arris/corbelled out above. Mullioned bipartite to right of ground floor; central window to 1st floor and attic (that to attic breaking-eaves dormer with rounded gable with beaked skewputts.

Mainly UPVC replacement windows; 2-pane timber sash and case windows at E end/ to courtyard. Grey slate roofs. 3 coped ridge stacks with red sandstone quoins along S range; pair of coped mid-pitch stacks to W side; projecting stack with tall double octagonal upper flue to principal (W) elevation; similar projecting stack to N side but without octagonal upper flues (possibly missing); corniced gablehead stack to W and one (projecting) to N side; cans round where in existence. Large proportion of early cast-iron downpipes with original rainwater heads; one to S dated 1903.

INTERIOR: retains majority of its fixtures and fittings of late 1920's refurbishment; plan intact from this time. Impressive entrance hall and dining room fitted out in neo-Tudor style; open-well staircase with outer newel posts extended to ceiling at ground and 1st floor; 3 newels with carved lion finials; carved splat balustrade; timber panelled walls and ceilings with moulded beams; Tudor-arched fireplace surrounds to entrance hall; each with intricately carved overmantel/outer surround incorporating antique panels; large stone fireplace surround with flanking columns to dining rom inscribed 'WHEN.YE.SIT.AT.THE.FIRE.YER.TAES.TAE.WARM.SEE.

THAT.YER.TONGUE.DAES.YER.NEIGHBOUR.NAE.HARM.' 10-panel timber doors (segmental mouldings between panels producing linenfold effect). Carved marble fireplace to little dining room; plaster floral wreath to ceiling. Timber fireplace surround to one of bedrooms incorporating panel carved with pair of cherubs and crown inscribed '1930'. Lorimer toilet bowls (stamped 'REMIROL' on inside) upstairs; vitrolite covering to walls in toilets/bathrooms.

Statement of Special Interest

An unusually altered large house, combining significant features of two remodellings; one in 1903 and one in the late 1920's. The entrance elevation was the most altered in the 1920's and now presents something of the appearance of a castle, whereas the other elevations are of Scottish baronial design. This was achieved by the removal of the former crowstepped gables on this side, to be replaced by a crenellated parapet; the formerly eaves-height conical-roofed circular-plan flanking towers were substantially heightened and given deep crenellated parapets to enhance the castle-like appearance and the former entrance porch with fluted pilasters replaced by one with a pointed-arched entrance and a crenellated parapet. A square-plan tower to the 3rd bay from the left removed at this time and the pediments to some of the 1st flor windows on the S elevation. The fine and complete neo-Tudor fittings of the entrance hall and dining room probably constitute the most significant feature of the present building. Auchentroig was built to replace an earlier (1702), much smaller laird's house to the W (see separate list description for the Category A 'Old Auchentroig'). It is not known when the first new house was built on the site by the McLachlan family, who had owned the land for about 600 years (one appears on the 1865 OS map). This appears to have been rebuilt (as it appears on the 1898 OS map) in an extended form in probably the later 19th century by William Alexander McLachlan (Guthrie Smith). In the late 19th century the property was bought by William Smith, who subsequently sold it to Colonel Ewing Crawford, who had it more or less completely remodelled and enlarged in 1903. In 1923 the house was gutted by fire, leaving only the walls standing. It was reconstructed for Colonel Crawford (completed 1930), the opportunity being taken to modify the exterior as well as construct a new interior. In 1965 it was bought by St Patrick's Missionary Society and was used as a training college (although this function has ceased it is still - 2000 - owned by the order).




1865 ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP, 1/2500, Stirlingshire Sheet XV.1; John Guthrie Smith, STRATHENDRICK AND ITS INHABITANTS FROM EARLY TIMES (1896) p267; ... ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP, 1/2500, Stirlingshire Sheet XV.1; Report on Rebuilding of 'Auchentroig Mansion House', STIRLING JOURNAL AND ADVERTISER, 30 October 1903; 1918 ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP, 1/2500, Stirlingshire Sheet NXIV.4 ; NEWSPAPER CUTTING entitled 'Interesting Stirlingshire Mansion Destroyed by Fire', dated 9 October 1923 (in the possession of Father Seamus Reihill of Saint Patrick's Missionary Soceity, Auchentroig); Report on 'A Ruinous Fire', in THE STIRLING OBSERVER, 11 October 1923.

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