Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Date Added
Local Authority
Scottish Borders
Planning Authority
Scottish Borders
NT 84182 53252
384182, 653252


Early 19th century and substantial later 19th century ancillary buildings in form of stable and coach house, with setts to courtyard. Kelloe House demolished in late 1970s, leaving: former Butler's wing; stable and coach house; hydroelectric plant.

FORMER BUTLER'S WING: 2-storey 3-bay; sandstone rubble with polished ashlar dressings and broadly-droved tails; line-rendered S elevation. Base course, eaves course. W ELEVATION: irregularly-disposed bays (1-2). Small window at 1st floor of each bay. Round-arched partially- blinded opening at ground of bay to centre with modern bipartite window. Similar opening (blinded) at ground of bay to right. Window to each floor of bay to left. E ELEVATION: single storey projection in bay to centre (grouped close to bay to left). 2-bay S return elevation with blinded door opening in bay to left and modern window and door in bay to right; ashlar coping to engaged gatepier to SE corner. Window to each bay of N return elevation (small in bay to left). Boarded door in bay to left flanked to right by window; window at 1st floor. 2-leaf boarded door in bay to right with window at 1st floor above. Variety of windows, including 12-pane timber sash and case and 4-pane timber casement windows. Graded slate piended roof with ashlar coped stack to centre. Modern skylight to E. INTERIOR: not seen, 1996.

STABLE AND COACH HOUSE: bull-faced stone with polished ashlar dressings. Raised margins; chamfered arrises.

N RANGE: single storey, 11-bay stable block (bays grouped 2-6-3).

S ELEVATION: large window to each bay of 6-bay group, each breaking eaves with ashlar dormerhead above, except 2-bay group to centre with shared gable with round louvred opening with keystone in gablehead. Basket-arched cast-iron niche to tap, to outer right. Raised eaves height in 2-bay group to outer left with 2-part stable door with 3-pane fanlight above to each bay; ashlar pyramidal-coped engaged (to single storey addition to outer left) gatepier. 3-bay group to outer right Single storey with attic, with raised eaves height. Window in bay to centre. Partially-blinded shouldered double opening in bay to right with window. Similar opening in bay to left with tripartite arrangement boarded and glazed sliding door with flanking similar lights; multi-pane fanlight above; window with ashlar dormerhead breaking eaves above. Single storey lean-to to E (outer right).

N ELEVATION: 3 segmental-arched small vent openings breaking eaves each with cat-slide roof, to 6-bay group to centre. Similar opening to each bay of 2-bay group to right, at same height (with no cat-slide roof). Windows to centre of 3-bay group to left and in bay to right at ground and breaking eaves in dormerhead above. Blinded shouldered double opening at ground of bay to left. 12-pane and 4-pane timber sash and case windows. Slate roof with lead ogee-roofed vent between outer bays of 6-bay group, with louvred lucarnes to base and stamen finial (extant to E vent); similar (but larger) vent at apex of piended roof to 2-bay group to W. Ashlar coped skews to 3-bay group to E with truncated sandstone apex stack to E and W and ashlar coped stack to left of centre. INTERIOR: white ceramic tiling to each individual stable in 2-bay group to W, with buff tile dado and skirting band. Timber boarded with cast-iron stalls to main stable (originally 2 loose boxes and

4 stalls, now altered to create 4 loose boxes). Herring bone tiling to floor. White ceramic tiling to walls with green hexagonal tiling above dado with tan surround. Timber cross-beams to coved ceiling. Tack room to W of 3-bay group with vestibule to S with feed shoot from loft. Remaining part of this section converted into domestic accommodation.

S RANGE: to E of former Butler's wing. L-plan single storey with attic range now used as stables; formerly with apple store to attic of N-S section. N ELEVATION: 6-bay, grouped 2-3-1. Segmental-arched opening to each of 3-bay group with 2-leaf boarded door to each. 2-leaf boarded door to single bay to outer right. Lean-to projection to 2-bay group with small window in bay to left; door opening with 2 boarded doors to each side of short passage, flanked by small windows. Coped wall projecting to N from outer left. E ELEVATION: irregular 6-bay.

2 boarded doors to centre bays each with vent above. Boarded door to each of 2-bay group to outer right (bay to outer right, E elevation of lean-to). 2-bay group to left each with double opening with boarded stable door and boarded panel, divided by cast-iron column.

S ELEVATION: boarded door to projecting section to right, with window at 1st floor to W return elevation. Boarded door at ground of bay to outer left. Plate glass timber sash and case windows. Slate roof with 2-pane 19th century rooflight to N and S; platform and piended roof to N-S section (with apple store at 1st floor). Coped wallhead stack to S elevation, to centre. Lead ogee-roofed vent to roof intersection. INTERIOR: modern stalls to W-E section.

FORMER HYDROELECTRIC PLANT: to E of N range. Single storey rectangular- plan building. Sandstone with stugged ashlar dressings. Slate roof; lead guttering, timber eaves. No longer in use as such, 1996.

DRUM PIERS AND BOUNDARY WALL: whinstone and sandstone rubble coped wall to W of former Butler's wing. 2 substantial ashlar drum piers now positioned to W of former Butler's wing, taken from Broomhouse?

Statement of Special Interest

The main building was demolished in the late 1970s, leaving just the former Butler's wing and later stable block. Little, if anything remains of the garden which lay to S of house, going down to the banks of Blackadder Water. The stables are in very good condition and are still used as stables, 1996. Kelloe was one of the nine estates which were recognised in the New Statistical Account for the parish. According to that source, there was "a square of cottages called Kelloe Bastle, - which was the site of the bastell, or keep, in ancient times".



Information courtesy of the present owner. NEW STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF SCOTLAND (1845), vol II p270.

About Listed Buildings

Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating sites and places at the national level. These designations are Scheduled monuments, Listed buildings, Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and Inventory of historic battlefields.

We make recommendations to the Scottish Government about historic marine protected areas, and the Scottish Ministers decide whether to designate.

Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

We list buildings which are found to be of special architectural or historic interest using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

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These records are not definitive historical accounts or a complete description of the building(s). If part of a building is not described it does not mean it is not listed. The format of the listed building record has changed over time. Earlier records may be brief and some information will not have been recorded.

The legal part of the listing is the address/name of site which is known as the statutory address. Other than the name or address of a listed building, further details are provided for information purposes only. Historic Environment Scotland does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a consequence of inaccuracies in the information provided. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing. Even if a number or name is missing from a listing address it will still be listed. Listing covers both the exterior and the interior and any object or structure fixed to the building. Listing also applies to buildings or structures not physically attached but which are part of the curtilage (or land) of the listed building as long as they were erected before 1 July 1948.

While Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating listed buildings, the planning authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing, including what is listed through curtilage. However, for listed buildings designated or for listings amended from 1 October 2015, legal exclusions to the listing may apply.

If part of a building is not listed, it will say that it is excluded in the statutory address and in the statement of special interest in the listed building record. The statement will use the word 'excluding' and quote the relevant section of the 1997 Act. Some earlier listed building records may use the word 'excluding', but if the Act is not quoted, the record has not been revised to reflect subsequent legislation.

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