Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Group Category Details
100000020 - See Notes
Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
National Park
Loch Lomond And The Trossachs
NN 61351 8908
261351, 708908


Loch Lomond And Trossachs National Park Planning Authority

1846. 2-storeyed compact medium-scale baronial mansion designed by David Bryce. Characterised by crowstepped gables, conical roofed turrets and stone domerheads. Its earlier predecessor with possibly 16th century fabric is adjoined to the rear (N). Set within open designed parkland on a plateau above Leny Glen, the house is clearly visible from the A84. Works carried out by David Bryce and surviving earlier fabric. Leny House is recognised as being one of the most significant buildings in the area. It is the historical residence of the Buchanans of Leny.

The long driveway approach is contrived to provide views of the SE and SW fronts in which are housed the principal/public rooms. The main door is located in a turret tucked into a recessed angle to the SW elevation. It is interesting to note that gable to the left of the entrance tower is that of the original house disguised by re-faced sandstone. The SE front has a window bay characteristic of Bryce's work: canted at ground floor, corbelled to square at 1st floor with a conical roofed turret tucked in at the right angle. The long single storey wing terminated by the crowstepped end gable housed the servants' offices and kitchen.

The owners believe the earlier house was built in the early to mid 16th century later altered and strengthened in 1691. It appears to have been a formulaic end-gabled and flat-fronted 3-storey rectangular plan fortified house, however the harled walls and refaced SW gable might conceal evidence that would prove otherwise. The unobscured rear NW elevation seems to have been partly remodelled by Bryce with stone dormer heads and an off-centre chimney added. A wall panel set in a late 16th century pilastered frame is set above the 1st floor. The interior of this block fell into serious disrepair in the 20th century, it was gutted and reconstructed to a different design in the 1990s. During the refurbishment a large arched fireplace was uncovered to the SW gable.


The Bryce house is well organised with a circular vestibule situated in the entrance turret to the SW leading to a large top-lit central stair hall from which the principal rooms are accessed. The baronial theme is carried indoors, with characteristic features such as the rib-vaulted hall ceiling. The public rooms contain pilastered marble chimney-pieces and have more Classical ceiling cornicework.


Bryce House; Timber boarded door with decorative iron hinges to entrance tower. Coursed grey sandstone with ashlar dressings to openings, quoins and dormerheads. Moulded string courses. Timber sash and case windows; combination of 12-paned single windows and horizontal paned mullioned windows. Ashlar stacks with various cans. Grey slated pitched roof with grey slates to conical roofs to turret. Large wrought iron weathervane to entrance turret.

Earlier House; Timber boarded door. Harled walls with exposed sandstone dressings and dormerheads. Predominantly 12-pane sash and case timber windows. Ashlar stacks, shouldered to offset central stack to NW.

Gatepiers and Sundial

A pair of square-plan ashlar gatepiers with shallow pyramidal caps have been relocated from an unknown location and are now near to the main house at NN 61274 08906. A mid 19th century baluster sundial with an interesting face is located to the lawned area to the SW of the house.

Statement of Special Interest

B-Group with Leny House Walled Garden, Leny House Sundial. The Statistical Account of 1794 states that Alexander II in 1237 gave the charter of Leney to the Buchanan family. Their original residence was Leney Castle which was burnt down after the Battle of Flodden in 1513. The castle is recorded as standing on Caisteal Briste, a large long artificial mound situated to the S of Trean House (see separate listing), nothing visibly appears to remain of the castle, 2004. The elevated location of Leny House is indicative of the requirement for a defensible site. A Buchanan burial ground known as Little Leny is located at the confluence of the Eas Gobhain and Garbe Usige Rivers, see separate listing. The house and estate left the ownership of the Buchanan family in the 20th century. The large symmetrical U-plan coachhouse to the rear of the house is currently disused and in a parlous state, (2004). Organised with 2 single storey gabled wings set advanced from the main 2-storey block, the wings still remain roofed, the main block it gutted. The principal S elevation is characterised by its wide segmental openings. The house is currently run as a Bed and Breakfast with holiday apartments located in the policies, (2004).



NMRS; Gifford, J. Stirling and Central Scotland (2002), p. 556; further information supplied by kind permission of the owner, 2004.

About Listed Buildings

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Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

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