Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


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Date Added
Supplementary Information Updated
Local Authority
Planning Authority
NS 60922 63188
260922, 663188


Miles S Gibson, 1889-99. Large red brick factory complex built for John Brown & Son (see Notes). Principal elevation to French Street comprises 3-storey, 7-bay, pedimented centre range with similarly-detailed 2-storey, 11-bay range to E and tall 2-storey, 6-bay, 1891 polychrome range to W (roof altered). CENTRE RANGE with projecting cill band at 2nd floor and mutuled eaves cornice; segmental-arched openings; bays divided by pilaster-effect forming 2-storey shallow panels at ground and 1st floor, and blind arcaded panels at 2nd floor; oriel windows, raked cills and deep-set openings. EAST RANGE with similar top floor detail; segmental-arched openings; contrasting rounded glazed brick cills and brick voussoirs. WEST RANGE with decorative polychrome banding and eaves cornice (obscured), red ashlar dressings; pointed arch doorway and square-headed openings; oriel window, raked cills and brick mullions.

FURTHER DESCRIPTION: largely regular fenestration throughout. Principal elevations to S (French Street). Centre range outer left bay with door and flanking narrow lights under fanlight, tall square-headed roller door at outer right; 2nd floor with ogee-capped bartizans flanking centre pediment; glazed oculus to each return gable. E range (to right) with 2 square-headed roller doors and pedimented roofline at left; gable with glazed oculus on left returns at Dora Street. W range (to left) with 2 deep-set doors, that to right in pointed-arch opening with wallhead stack above, bipartite and tripartite windows, canted oriel window at 1st floor right; decorative polychrome detail between floors and dividing 1st floor bays; piended roof (see Notes). To rear, long series of single storey north-lit weaving sheds.

Largely multi-pane and plate glass glazing patterns in fixed and timber sash and case windows. Some grey slate with horizontal cast iron rooflights and pyramidal ridge ventilators to E range; metal-sheeted roofs elsewhere.

Statement of Special Interest

The former Barrowfield Weaving Factory is an important industrial survival in an area which, by the mid 19th century, was a significant centre for weaving, dying and bleaching as well as having chemical and gas works. The factory largely retains its early appearance which effectively uses low relief panelling and blind arcading to make a significant contribution to the streetscape. The principal elevation at French Street is particularly fine and exhibits some very good polychrome decoration. The east range retains its original roof providing light from above with large horizontal rooflights. The taller centre range was originally similarly top-lit. The form of the west range roof has been altered at the Norman Street elevation from a broad gable over the outer (south end) 2 bays.

Barrowfield Weaving Factory was built for John Brown & Son at a cost of £8,300 and formerly encompassed French Street, Dora Street (formerly Jamieson Street), Poplin Street (formerly Adelphi Street) and Norman Street. John Brown & Son is described in the 1915 Commercial Year Book of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce & Manufacturers, as "manufacturers of muslin draperies, Madras muslin and harness muslin". Quality muslin goods provided the Glasgow power-loom industry with a different selling point to the high-volume, low-value cloth coming from the Lancashire cotton industry.

The Dalmarnock area was developed later than neighbouring Bridgeton, with most of its industry introduced after 1860. The remaining evidence of this industrial past is mostly sited to the west of the main Dalmarnock Road.

The architect Miles Septimus Gibson was born in Glasgow in 1849. He commenced practice in 1880, having previously acted as supervising architect with Thomas Wilson at St Enoch's Railway Station and Hotel. He designed a number of churches for the Episcopal diocese of Glasgow, and in 1902 extended the now demolished Clutha Weaving Factory in nearby Carstairs Street, also for John Brown & Son.

List description revised as part of the Glasgow East End listing review, 2010.



E Williamson, A Riches and M Higgs, Buildings of Scotland, Glasgow (1990), pp462-468. Dictionary of Scottish Architects[accessed 23.07.10]. 1st and 2nd edition Ordnance Survey Maps, Lanarkshire (1856-9, 1892-7). (Ref: Mitchell Library, G381) [accessed 23.07.10]. [accessed 23.07.10]. [accessed 23.07.10].

About Listed Buildings

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