T L Watson, 1905. Free Renaissance school. 3 storeys
rising to 4 at rear. Modern addition. Corner site, square
9-bay school. Ashlar with rusticated base, snecked stone
rear elevation. Elevations to Renfrew Street and Garnet
Street arranged 3-3-3. All windows sash and case with
glazing bars; relieving arches above on ground floor,
cornices on 1st floor. 2nd floor cill band. Eaves
cornice. Slate roof.
ELEVATION TO RENFREW STREET: entrance in 2nd and 3rd bays
from E corniced banded and marked INFANTS. Main front
with central recessed 3-bay section flanked by giant
pilasters; bowed pilastraded 5-light windows on ground
and 1st floor with lettered frieze between "GARNETBANK
PUBLIC SCHOOL" and frieze above 1st floor "SCHOOL BOARD
OF GLASGOW"; 2nd floor 3-light arched and voussoired
window breaking through pediment.
ELEVATION TO GARNET STREET: projecting 3-bay central
section, with giant square angle piers, banded ground
floor entrance with corniced entry and sidelights; 1st
floor plain windows, 2nd floor shaped pediments. 2
central piers supporting 3rd floor balcony with cast-iron
balustrade in front of corniced Venetian window with
sculpture tympanum. Segmental pediment. Slim corniced
stack rising through re-entrant angle on N side.
Plain windows at rear elevation.
Slate roof.
Boundary cast-iron railings with corniced piers.
attic asymmetrical. Pilastered central entrance with
segmental sculptured pediment. All windows sash and case.
2-light window with stone mullion to E, pedimented dormer
above, circular window to W. Western gable with skews
and skewputts pierced with 2 single-light windows.
Corniced axial stack.