Original house built circa 1762, late 19th century additions
of flanking pavilions in 18th century style by Leadbetter and
Fairley, architects of Edinburgh. 2-storeys attics and
basement, harled walling, red sandstone architraves and
rusticated quoins.
ENTRANCE FRONT: symmetrical 5-bay 18th century house with
boldly advanced 19th century pavilions. Wide flight of steps
with wrought-iron balusters to Roman Doric pedimented porch,
with delicate frieze of rosettes and bucrania. Astragalled
fanlight, double-leaf doors. All windows architraved with
bracketted cills, single light to original house, pavilions
with large Venetian windows to ground. All sash and case
windows with 12-pane glazing.
GARDEN FRONT: symmetrical elevation slightly plainer in
dressings (openings simply margined) but similar to above.
Steps with stone balustrade to central door with
semi-circular fanlight. Ground floor windows to 18th-century
part lengthened in 19th century. Flanks detailed as entrance
front with pairs of tall rusticated stacks at wallhead.
Piended slate roofs, tall rusticated stacks at wallhead and
axially placed.
INTERIOR: good 18th century plasterwork and woodwork to
shutters and doors, stair with good plaster cornices and
roses, pavilion to right gutted by fire circa 1945 and