Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Date Added
Local Authority
Scottish Borders
Planning Authority
Scottish Borders
Abbey St Bathans
NT 75852 62281
375852, 662281


Site of late 12th century Cistercian priory. Former priory church (in part) converted to parish church mid 17th century; repairs 1675, 1699; internal alterations 1719; 1st glazed 1726; bell installed in earlier tower 1820; heavily re-worked 1867-68 and porch and present tower erected; windows/doors re-worked (plate tracery added); stained glass inserted 1868. Plain Romanesque style comprising rectangular-plan, 3-bay nave, later single storey porch to SW, square-plan 2-stage tower and spire to NE (1867). Harl-pointed rubble whin and sandstone to nave; cream sandstone dressings. Rubble quoins; stugged long and short surrounds to lightly droved, round-arched openings; windows recessed within (trefoil-headed panels with quatrefoil details above). Whinstone rubble porch; cream sandstone dressings. Sandstone bracketed eaves; stugged long and short surrounds to openings; round-arched columnar doorpiece. Whinstone rubble 2-stage tower; cream sandstone string course dividing floors; sandstone brackets beneath corniced eaves; gabled, sandstone doorpiece; voussoir arches to pointed-arched openings.

W (ENTRANCE) ELEVATION: 2-leaf, round-arched boarded timber door in single storey porch recessed to right of nave; surrounding doorpiece with flanking columns (scalloped capitals); keystoned, voussoir arch. 3-panelled window centred in nave advanced to left; surmounting finial. 2-stage tower recessed to outer left.

S (SIDE) ELEVATION: 4-panelled window in bay to outer right; 2 panelled window off-set to left of centre; single window in piended porch advanced to outer left. Remains of wallhead sundial to outer right.

E (REAR) ELEVATION: 2-stage tower recessed to outer right with steps to gabled doorpiece comprising 2-leaf boarded timber door; stop chamfered, pointed-arched surround; finialed gable with Turnbull coat of arms centred beneath apex; flanking carved motifs. Belfry above with recessed bipartite opening set in pointed-arched surround; columns dividing louvred bays (cushion capitals); weathervane surmounting broach spire. 2-panelled window centred in nave advanced to left (missing finial?); single storey porch recessed to outer left.

Stained glass windows with leaded circular panes, floral and foliate detailing. Grey slate roofs; raised stone skews; moulded skewputts. Cast-iron rainwater goods.

INTERIOR: inscribed memorial gravestone set in vestibule wall (Rev George Home, died 1705); round-arched boarded timber door accessing nave. Boarded timber dado panelling; boarded timber pews in place. Tiled floor to central aisle; boarded timber floors beneath pews. Boarded timber hammerbeam ceiling. Timber panelled pulpit; trefoil-headed carving to table; octagonal timber font (1948). Pointed-arched opening accessing N chapel (vestry). Round-arched painted panels flanking E window with Biblical text; deep, painted window reveals; chamfered cills. Later 20th century light fittings. Recumbent sandstone effigy in later segmental-arched niche centred in E wall.

GRAVEYARD, BOUNDARY WALL, GATEPIERS AND GATES: surrounding, near square-plan graveyard. Various gravestones including classically-detailed memorial to the Turnbulls set in NW corner with inscribed, recessed panels; dogtooth carving lining upper reveals; Corinthian-style capitals to red sandstone engaged columns flanking central bay with trefoil-headed upper centred beneath gable. Figurative carving to some remaining stones. Rubble-coped random rubble walls enclosing site; stepped, polished coping to W wall. Tapering square-plan stop-chamfered, sandstone gatepiers flanking entrance; tiered, pyramidal caps; decorative wrought-iron gates with barley-sugar uprights; fleur-de-lys finials.

Statement of Special Interest

Ecclesiastical building in use as such. Said to have been built on the site of the small, late 12th century Cistercian Priory of St Bothon, dedicated to St Mary. Part of the priory church is thought to have been incorporated within the existing building. Binnie notes that the masonry at the foot of the N and S walls is likely to have come from the old church, whilst the E wall, which protrudes just beneath the skewputts, is thought to be that of the previous building?s W wall. Writing in the late 18th century, Rev. Sked noted that the church " a very ancient building; it was formerly large, measuring 58 feet by 26, but part of the wall was lately taken down by the desire of the heritors, and the size of the church greatly contracted; it is still sufficiently large to accommodate the inhabitants of the parish." The conventual buildings, formerly associated with the priory, were set between here and the nearby Whiteadder - all remains have since disappeared. During extensive renovation in the late 1860s (funded by John Turnbull, of Abbey St Bathans House - see separate list entry), a 6ft effigy of a prioress was discovered built into the N wall. Although damaged in part, and according to MacGibbon and Ross, missing a dog which originally lay at its feet, it remains an impressive piece of carving, thought to date from the early 16th century. At the centre of the parish, Abbey St Bathans church is acknowledged as one of its most significant buildings. The nearby former manse is listed separately.



REFERENCES: J Sked THE STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF SCOTLAND (1791-1799) p4; Valuation Roll, Berwickshire, Abbey St Bathans Parish, 1855-56; Ordnance Survey map, 1857 (appears on); F H Groome ORDNANCE GAZETTEER OF SCOTLAND (1882) p2; J Ferguson "Notices of the Pre-Reformation Churches of Berwickshire" THE HISTORY OF THE BERWICKSHIRE NATURALISTS' CLUB (1890-91) Vol 13, p86-188; RCAHMS INVENTORY OF MONUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE COUNTY OF BERWICK (1909); J L Mack ABBEY ST BATHANS (1925); D MacGibbon & T Ross THE ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND (reprinted 1991) p410-412; P Cochrane ABBEY ST BATHANS p14-23; RUTHERFURD?S SOUTHERN COUNTIES? REGISTER & DIRECTORY (1st published 1866, reprinted 1990); C A Strang BORDERS & BERWICK: AN ILLUSTRATED ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE (1994) p34; G A C Binnie THE CHURCHES AND GRAVEYARDS OF BERWICKSHIRE (1995) p14-23; NMRS photographic records - B/04034/3, BW/2239, BW/77, BW/1482, BW/76, BW 690, BW/78.

About Listed Buildings

Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating sites and places at the national level. These designations are Scheduled monuments, Listed buildings, Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and Inventory of historic battlefields.

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Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

We list buildings which are found to be of special architectural or historic interest using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

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The legal part of the listing is the address/name of site which is known as the statutory address. Other than the name or address of a listed building, further details are provided for information purposes only. Historic Environment Scotland does not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered as a consequence of inaccuracies in the information provided. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing. Even if a number or name is missing from a listing address it will still be listed. Listing covers both the exterior and the interior and any object or structure fixed to the building. Listing also applies to buildings or structures not physically attached but which are part of the curtilage (or land) of the listed building as long as they were erected before 1 July 1948.

While Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating listed buildings, the planning authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing, including what is listed through curtilage. However, for listed buildings designated or for listings amended from 1 October 2015, legal exclusions to the listing may apply.

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