Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Date Added
Last Date Amended
Local Authority
Dumfries And Galloway
Planning Authority
Dumfries And Galloway
Old Luce
NX 19698 57428
219698, 557428


1814; extensively remodelled by Ian W D Macdonald, 1967-8. T-plan church. Dry-dashed. Concrete margins and quoin strips. Eaves course. Keystones and imposts to round-arched windows. Small-pane opaque glazing. Modern tiles.

W ELEVATION: flat-roofed rectangular-plan porch, with eaves cornice and blocking course (1967); keystoned round-arched doorway, with double-leaf door, at centre to E; window to left and right; quoined lancet window to N and S returns. Round-arched window at centre above. Birdcage bellcote, with curved base, stepped roof and modern weathervane; original bell (now rung electrically).

S ELEVATION: 4-bay. Round-arched windows, with no margins, at ground floor; blind in bay to outer right. Square windows above; blind in bays to outer left and right.

E ELEVATION: round window at centre.

N ELEVATION: jamb advanced at centre. Gabled porch, with round-arched door, at centre to N (1967); small lean-to adjoined to left of porch; round-arched window above. Forestair to door to left to E return; window at centre and small window to right. Window to right to W return. Full-height rectangular projection (1967), with stair window to N, and eaves cornice and blocking course, in re-entrant angle to right. INTERIOR: completely remodelled, 1967-8. Rendered walls; boarded dado. Chancel to E; stone E wall; oak and marble pulpit, communion table and font by David Jardine of Stranraer. Raked gallery to W. Organ, built by Casey and Cairney of Glasgow, to N gallery. Vestry at ground floor to N; session house above, behind gallery. Original pews. Deep embrasures.

STAINED GLASS: round window to E wall, 1889 (dated) (from Ladyburn Church, see NOTES). Lancet windows in porch, "The Good Shepherd" to S and " The Light of the World" to N, by William Meikle & Sons, Glasgow, 1905 (from Ladyburn Church, see NOTES).

GRAVEYARD, GRAVEYARD WALLS, GATEPIERS AND GATES: GRAVEYARD: fine 18th and 19th century gravestones and wall monuments.

BURIAL ENCLOSURES: burial enclosure (of Adairs of Genoch?) to E. Rubble, with red sandstone ashlar dressings. Flat coping to wallhead. Quoinstrips. Architraved margins. 6-bay to W, with dividing pilaster at centre. Doorway in penultimate bays to left and right, blocked to right. Blind window openings in remaining bays. Armorial panel above doorway to left, moulded panel without carving above doorway to right. Burial enclosure of Dalrymple- Hays to W. Double-chambered. Rubble, with red sandstone ashlar dressings. 18th century monument above entrance to right chamber; pediment, with winged soul in tympanum, surmounted by urn; shouldered architrave to central panel (inscription obscured), with egg and dart moulding; flanking consoles; later marble plaque below inscribed "Burial place of the Dalrmyple- Hays of park Place" etc. Monument above entrance to left chamber obscured by ivy (1991); several moulded sandstone panels inside.

GRAVEYARD WALLS< GATEPIERS AND GATES: rubble wall, with flat red sandstone coping. Granite quoined, corniced square gatepiers to Church Street to W; fleur-de-lis cast-iron 2-leaf gates.

Cemetery to N, with mid to later 19th century monuments. Modern church hall, by Hill, Macdonald and Potter, 1971, situated to NW, outwith graveyard.

Statement of Special Interest

Ecclesiastical building in use as such; Church of Scotland. Old Luce Church was built in 1814. The NEW STATISTICAL ACCOUNT states that the Church could accommodate 800. According to Hay, it was renovated in 1915. Three fragments of early sculptured crosses are apparently built into the N wall to the E of the jamb, but these are no longer visible. Old Luch Church was closed in 1966, and completely remodelled in 1967-68 by Ian W D Macdonald of Hill, Macdonald and Potter, and was rededicated on 5 May 1968. Before renovation, the pulpit, with a sounding board, was situated on the S wall, standing on a small raised chancel with a low choir screen. Originally the Church had three stone forestairs to the N, only one of which was retained. The forestairs led to the three galleries, each of which was supported by 4 columns; the E gallery has been removed and the W gallery extended. The rectangular porch to the W replaces a gabled entrance porch with round-arched openings. The round window to the E wall, in memory of the Rev James and Mrs Pullar and Margaret Pullar, 1889, was removed from Ladyburn Church (see separate listing), which is no longer in ecclesiastical use. The stained glass in the lancet windows in the porch originally formed part of a 3-light window in Ladyburn Church in memory of Barbara Simpson, 1905; the third light still remains in Ladyburn Church.

Old Luce united with Glenluce Ladyburn on 7 May 1962, under the name of Old Luce, and worshipping in Old Luce Parish Church. New Luce was linked with Old Luce on 10 March 1969, under the ministry of Old Luce.



NEW STATISTICAL ACCOUNT Vol IV (1845) Wigton, p 74. SRO RHP 7903

"Plan of Glenluce Church, ground floor" (1847). SRO RHP 7904 "Plan of Glenluce Church, gallery" (1847). SRO RHP 7906 "Old Luce Parish church, plan of proposed alteration of seats" (1905). F H Groome (ed) ORDNANCE GAZETTEER OF SCOTLAND (1895) Vol III, p 191. G Wilson "List of the Antiquities of Glenluce, Wigtownshire, with descriptive notes" PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND 1898-99, p 172. RCAHMS INVENTORY Wigtown (1912) p 128. G Hay THE ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTTISH POST-REFORMATION CHURCHES 1560 - 1843 (1957) p 277. COMMEMORATIVE BROCHURE AND ORDER OF SERVICE FOR THE REDEDICATION OF OLD LUCE CHURCH (1968). D F M MacDonald (ed) FASTI ECCLESIAE SCOTICANAE

Vol X (1981) pp 95-96. Plans in possession of minister, mainly 1960s, also including plan of reseating by Richard Park, 1904.

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While Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating listed buildings, the planning authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing, including what is listed through curtilage. However, for listed buildings designated or for listings amended from 1 October 2015, legal exclusions to the listing may apply.

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