Listed Building

The only legal part of the listing under the Planning (Listing Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is the address/name of site. Addresses and building names may have changed since the date of listing – see 'About Listed Buildings' below for more information. The further details below the 'Address/Name of Site' are provided for information purposes only.

Address/Name of Site


Status: Designated


There are no additional online documents for this record.


Group Category Details
100000020 - See Notes
Date Added
Local Authority
Planning Authority
National Park
NJ 33011 10989
333011, 810989


1828 classical reconstruction of 1764 house; again reconstructed and enlarged by G Bennet Mitchell of Aberdeen, 1935 (dated 1764) as near reproduction of Bellabeg House with centre nepus gable and cherry caulking. 2-storey with attic and later 3-storey, 5-bay laird's house overlooking formal garden to S. Red granite ashlar front with cherry caulking; coursed squared rubble and squared rubble long and short quoins, ashlar margins. Voussoired round headed nepus window.

FURTHER DESCRIPTION: symmetrical principal elevation to E with 2-leaf timber door and 3-part fanlight below dated coat of arms at centre, windows in flanking bays, regular fenestration to 1st floor and finialled nepus gable projecting above eaves at centre. Large 3-storey canted bay to right at N, and outer gabled bays flanking flat-roofed infill at W.

12-, 16- and 18-pane glazing patterns in timber sash and case windows. Graded grey slates. Coped ashlar stacks with cans; ashlar-coped skews with block skewputts. Cast iron downpipes with decorative rainwater hoppers dated 1935.

INTERIOR: good decorative scheme in place including panelled and architraved doors, parquet flooring, deep skirting boards, timber fire surrounds, some with cast iron grates; some timberwork imported. Timber dog-leg staircase with decorative ironwork balusters. Study with timber panelling, timber fire surround with carved frieze, dentilled cornice and overmantel with mirror surmounted by broken pediment installed 1938. Dining Room with marble fireplace and pedimented doorpieces. Flower room, former butler's pantry, with timber sink.

Statement of Special Interest

Category upgraded from C(S) to B on 28 October, 2003. Group with Dovecot Cottage, Ice House, Gates, Stables and Walled Garden. An interesting reproduction of Bellabeg which is one of the finest houses in Strathdon. Inverernan has some very early fabric as well as some fine imported interior timberwork. Purchased in the 1980s by the present (2006) owners who have renovated the nearby stable block, and report that the house was very dry although having been empty for some years. This is attributed to the excellent quality of work carried out after Inverernan was taken over by the Wallace family in 1934. At that time it was to be used as the dower house for Candacraig, and improvements included importing panelling and decorative timberwork from London in 1938, as well as re-lining lath & plaster walls using treated 2 x 4 timbers. Mr Wallace of Whitehouse in Forbestown was born at Inverernan House in 1934 while his father was out shooting. Prior to the Wallace family ownership, Inverernan had belonged to the Forbes family. A photograph from circa 1925 shows the house in its classical guise, with 4-column Roman Doric porch and deep blocking course with raised centre urn on decorative consoles. There are also dormer windows in a shallow pitched roof, and grouped gablehead stacks. The New Statistical Account describes Inverernan 'As altered and enlarged some years ago' in the 'style of a modern villa, partaking of the Italian'. The first Forbes of Inverernan was Black Jock, Bailie to the Earl of Mar in 1715. It is reported that the current dining room was the place where, urged by Mar to take part in the rising, documents were signed raising the neighbourhood to arms. Black Jock was taken prisoner and died in Carlisle the night before the day fixed for his execution. Forbes family records date a building to this site in 1680.



New Statistical Account Vol 12 (1840), p540 and 547. I Shepherd RIAS Gordon (1994), p68. Groome's Gazetteer Vol IV, p296. 1st edition Ordnance Survey map (1869-70). Information courtesy of owner.

About Listed Buildings

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Listing is the process that identifies, designates and provides statutory protection for buildings of special architectural or historic interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.

We list buildings which are found to be of special architectural or historic interest using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

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