Byrne, K 1997, Colkitto! A celebration of Clan Donald of Colonsay (1570-1647). Colonsay: House of Lochar.
Unpublished References
Momber, G 2003, 'Report for Historic Scotland on the Survey of the Mingary Castle Protected Wreck Site during May 2002', Unpublished Licensees Report.
Wessex Archaeology 2007b, Mingary Castle, Ardnamurchan, The Sound of Mull, Scotland, Designated Site Assessment 2007 (Ref: 53111.03n) - copy archived with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, 16 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh, EH8 9NX
Online resources
Historic Scotland, 2012, Guidelines on the Selection, Designation and Management of Historic Marine Protected Areas. Copy available at
Historic Scotland, 2012a, Historic Marine Protected Areas, a guide for visitors, investigators and managers - copy available at
Scottish Government, 2010, Making the most of Scotland's seas - copy available at
Wessex Archaeology 2007a, Mingary Castle, Ardnamurchan, The Sound of Mull, Scotland, Designated Site Assessment 2006 (Ref: 53111.03rr) - copy archived with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Histoical Monuments of Scotland, 16 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh, EH8 9NX and available at
Wessex Archaeology, 2010, Existing designated historic assets: transition to Historic Marine Protected Areas and identification of biodiversity/geodiversity value. Prepared by Wessex Archaeology for Historic Scotland, August 2010. Ref: 73210.04. Copy archived with RCAHMS and available at
Wessex Archaeology, 2012, Characterising Scotland's marine archaeological resource. Prepared by Wessex Archaeology for Historic Scotland, January 2012. Ref: 76930.04 Copy archived with RCAHMS and available at
Further information is available on the Canmore record 167515
About Historic Marine Protected Areas
Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating sites and places at the national level. These designations are Scheduled monuments, Listed buildings, Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and Inventory of historic battlefields.
Historic marine protected areas are the way that marine historic assets of national importance which survive in Scottish territorial waters are protected by law under Part 5 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.
We advise Marine Scotland on the importance of marine historic assets and the Scottish Ministers decide whether to designate sites. We assess marine historic assets using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)
The information in the historic marine protected area record gives an indication of the national importance of the site(s). It is not a definitive account or a complete description of the site(s).
It is a criminal offence to intentionally or recklessly remove, alter or disturb marine historic assets, or carry out activities which could damage or interfere with a marine historic asset or significantly hinder a protected area's preservation objectives.
The historic marine protected area record provides guidance about what activities can take place at each site.
Planning permission or a marine licence (or both) may be required for carrying out work inside a historic marine protected area. Enquiries about planning permission should be made to the planning authority. Enquiries about marine licences should be made to Marine Scotland's Licensing Operations Team.
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