Inventory Garden & Designed Landscape


Status: Removed


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Date Added
Date Removed:
Local Authority
Argyll And Bute
Planning Authority
Argyll And Bute
NS 24898 83599
224898, 683599

The gardens form an impressive setting for the category A listed Gareloch House and contain a collection of notable specimen trees.

Removal Reason

Based on current knowledge, this site no longer meets the criteria for inclusion on the inventory.

Artistic Interest

Level of interest

Early photographs of the gardens show that this garden had some value as a Work of Art in the past.


Level of interest

The twelve volumes of Garden Notes give Gareloch House outstanding value in this category.


Level of interest

There has been a very good plant collection here at Gareloch which was well documented; some of the shrubs remain and the specimen trees form the basis of a good arboretum.


Level of interest

The garden provides the setting for a grade A listed house.


Level of interest
Not Assessed


Level of interest

The grounds are visible from the shores of the Gareloch and the specimen trees provide some scenic significance.

Nature Conservation

Level of interest

The overgrown garden provides a relatively undisturbed area of habitat for birds, including a heronry, and has a little value in this category.

Location and Setting

Gareloch House is situated on the west shore of the Gare Loch at the southern end of the village of Clynder, 5.5 miles (9km) south of Garelochhead. The site is bounded by the shore road to the east and by the Clack MacKenny hill rising to 650' (198m) to the west. The site is well sheltered and has a mild climate. Two small burns run eastwards from the hills to the loch; one is culverted under the garden. The site affords fine views out across the Gare Loch to Rhu, north to Ben Lomond and south to the Rosneath peninsula. The specimen trees in the grounds are visible from the shore road.

Gareloch House stands on the north-east boundary of the site, overlooking the Gareloch. Achnashie House, now derelict, lies to the south-west of Gareloch House within the designed landscape. The Garden extends in the south-west to the boundary formed by a stone dyke which has been recently rebuilt by the present owner of the house. Beyond this lies a field where scented varieties of daffodils were established in the previous century and continue in profusion. To the north-west and south-east, the garden is contained by the access roads of adjacent properties. The Stroul Burn runs through the garden just within the south-east boundary.

The garden extends over some 22 acres (9ha) and includes a woodland garden, an ornamental garden and a vegetable garden. A tennis court was sited to the north-west of the vegetable garden. These components are separated from the woodland garden by an irregularly curved dry-stone retaining wall, of which the date of construction is unknown.

The garden was divided into three plots in 1968. The northern plot includes the tennis court site and part of the woodland garden. The central plot includes Gareloch House and access drives, the vegetable garden and part of the woodland garden. The southern plot includes the derelict Achnashie House and the adjacent ornamental garden, the stable-block, the Achnashie Club, and the remainder of the woodland garden.

Site History

Gareloch House was built in 1817 and, according to titles held by its present owners, was first a parsonage and later a merchant's residence. Its early history is not well documented but the merchant extended his property, buying the Achnashie land and building the large house there before the 1st edition OS map of 1860. Both houses were in use by him and his family. In 1871, John McLeod Campbell of Rhu heresy fame (1825-1831) was offered the property as a place of retirement, and he lived there during his last year.

Although a notable garden, containing some original introductions, it was at its height at the time of McLeod Campbell's sons, Sir James and Robert Storey Campbell, who kept twelve volumes of 'Garden Notes', dating from 1890-1917. These contain descriptions of the gardens, their design, planning and planting. All walks and paths record members of the family and their affinity with the garden, eg 'Grandfather's Walk', 'The Ken Rockery', 'Clark's Glimpse', the 'Eyebrow' and the 'Marriage Trees'. An upper border in the woodland contains material from Keston and Parkhill, both notable gardens at that time. The journals contain an interesting record of a visit to Wisley during its early development with comparisons between plants there and those in this garden; material was also exchanged. The books also contain lists of plants used in the garden and notes on garden books available at that time.

Achnashie was requisitioned during the war and American soldiers were billeted there; a fire in 1946 destroyed the house. Gareloch House survived and was sold in the 1950s with all the grounds. Afterwards the gardens were not kept up; some of the special plants were sold while others were lost and, in the late sixties, the estate was divided into three. In 1975 Mr & Mrs Toovey acquired Gareloch House with the central portion of the garden, from which time they have carried out a great deal of restoration work in the gardens, following up the planting as recorded in the journals.

Landscape Components

Architectural Features

Gareloch House , listed category A, is a late Georgian, two-storey villa built in 1817. The ruins of Achnashie House lie to the west of Gareloch House. The Coach-house is listed category B and is a two-storey building built c.1820.

Woodland Garden

The Woodland Garden extends around the western boundaries of the site, composed largely of deciduous and coniferous trees. Of particular note, is a fine specimen of Athrotaxus cupressoides which is rare in cultivation and a particularly tall columnar cypress. Other important trees include Picea jezoensis, Cedrus deodora, a cut-leaf beech, and a fine Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) which stands near the tennis court. Mature yew trees are situated throughout the garden. In the area by the Stroul Burn, a collection of Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) was established early in this century. The area is now overgrown which prevents further positive identification. Within the tree canopy, species Rhododendrons, including a good R. arboreum specimen, were planted with a range of hardy hybrid Rhododendrons. There is a collection of at least twelve different Rhododendron species which, like the hybrids have invaded other parts of the garden. In the central area of woodland garden, within the present policies of Gareloch House, footpaths have been opened up, invasive vegetation cleared throughout, and new specimen trees and shrubs established. The garden outwith this area is derelict. Records were kept of the plant collection during its major phase of establishment between 1890 and 1917. Some of the plant material recorded in these books is now absent, thought to have been lost c.1950 during a phase of clearance, but is gradually being replaced.

The Gardens

The ornamental garden of Gareloch House lies within its immediate vicinity and is predominantly lawn with specimen trees including a fine weeping ash and species rhododendrons. There are specimens of Acer japonicum and Acer palmatum, which are possibly original or early introductions, alongside pittosporum, mature Desfontainea spinosa and Crinodendron hookerianum specimens, and a large Parrotia persica. To the south-west of the house, a short avenue of mature yew hedges stood until recent years. The northernmost hedge has now been cut back, allowing light to encourage the establishment of a herbaceous border, composed of largely green and white plant material seen against the backdrop of the remaining hedge which has been cut back to encourage regeneration. To the north of Achnashie House, a lawn with specimen yew and azalea provided the setting for the approach to the house. The area is now derelict although interesting shrubs and trees remain, including a tall Chusan palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) bordering the drive to the old house. The specimen azalea on the lawn has been removed and invasive shrubs have colonized.

Walled Gardens

The vegetable garden lies to the south-east of Gareloch House and is well stocked and maintained. It is bounded by herbaceous borders. A rose bower extends the length of the garden. Some shrub roses which climb the trellis support were planted early in this century. Gaps have been replanted with species chosen from the garden records.




Printed Sources

Garden Notes by Canon Campbell.

Garden Books at Gareloch House


About the Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes

Historic Environment Scotland is responsible for designating sites and places at the national level. These designations are Scheduled monuments, Listed buildings, Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and Inventory of historic battlefields.

We make recommendations to the Scottish Government about historic marine protected areas, and the Scottish Ministers decide whether to designate.

The inventory is a list of Scotland's most important gardens and designed landscapes. We maintain the inventory under the terms of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979.

We add sites of national importance to the inventory using the selection guidance published in Designation Policy and Selection Guidance (2019)

The information in the inventory record gives an indication of the national importance of the site(s). It is not a definitive account or a complete description of the site(s). The format of records has changed over time. Earlier records may be brief and some information will not have been recorded.

Enquiries about development proposals, such as those requiring planning permission, on or around inventory sites should be made to the planning authority. The planning authority is the main point of contact for all applications of this type.

Find out more about the inventory of gardens and designed landscapes and our other designations at You can contact us on 0131 668 8914 or at



Printed: 03/07/2024 11:28