This monument consists of a chambered cairn, a burial cist, a
standing stone and an area of stone quarrying which may be
contemporary with the chambered cairn and cist. The chambered cairn
is about 19m in diameter and 2m high and is partly turf covered. The central area has been disturbed and this has revealed a number of
slabs which once formed part of a chamber. 4 modern cairns
surmount the chambered cairn and an old sheep shelter has been constucted on its NE side. 7m to the E is a standing stone formed of
a slab of rectangular cross section, pointed at the top and about
2.6m high. About 75m SSE of the chambered cairn is a burial cist with the capping stone still in position. The capping stone measures about 1.2 by 0.9m and beneath its corner can be seen the uprignt slab of a cist. The interior appears to be untouched. Immediately to the N and
NW of the burial cist are traces of quarrying which could be contemporary with the construction of the 2 burial monuments. Two or more large flat stones have been intentionally wedged with blocks of stone in an attempt to loosen them from a natural rock stratum. These stones appear similar to the capping stone used in the cist.
The area to be scheduled measures 160m NNW-SSE by 65m NNE-SSW, to include the chambered cairn, the cist, the standing stone and the evidence for quarrying, as shown in red on the attached map.