Artistic Interest
- Level of interest
- High
The design of the walled garden and the layout of the woodland garden give Candacraig high value as a Work of Art.
- Level of interest
- Little
Although there has been a house at Candacraig since the mid-17th century, there are no early records of the development of the designed landscape and it therefore has a little Historical value.
- Level of interest
- Some
The range of choice shrubs and herbaceous material in the walled garden and its past fame for its rose collection give Candacraig some Horticultural value.
- Level of interest
- High
The designed landscape provides the setting for several B listed Architectural features giving it high Architectural value.
- Level of interest
- Not Assessed
- Level of interest
- Outstanding
The setting of Candacraig in Strathdon and its contribution to the views from the south give it outstanding Scenic value.
Nature Conservation
- Level of interest
- High
The variety of relatively undisturbed woodland, river and pond habitats gives it high value for Nature Conservation.
Site History
The several changes of ownership have meant the loss of any old estate plans from the house, and available documentary evidence relies on the OS maps. There are no known designers, apart from the owners, in particular the Wallaces, who developed the flower gardens.
In the mid-17th century, the estate belonged to the Anderson family who laid out the parkland, planted shelter woodlands and put in a walled garden around 1820. The house was enlarged in 1836 by the Aberdeen architect 'Tudor Johnny' Smith in the Scottish Baronial style using granite from the estate. In 1857 the estate was bought by Sir Charles Forbes of Newe, a close neighbour with extensive landholdings in the vicinity. There are no available records dating from his period of ownership. In 1900 the estate was purchased by the Wallace family who had additions made to the house, in 1900 by George Gordon of Inverness, and in 1928. The Wallaces replanted the walled garden as a flower and vegetable garden and in 1920 the area of formal gardens was extended to include a rock garden and new paths to the south-east of the walled garden. In 1955 a fire badly damaged the house and the reconstruction was carried out by A.G.R. McKenzie of Aberdeen. Three ponds were constructed in the marshy area south of the Kennels in order to provide better protection for the house in future, and the west, largest pond is visible from the front of the house. Mr & Mrs Wallace were both keen plantsmen and created a very special garden; they both died in 1975. In 1982 the whole estate was put on the market and the house and 23 acres of policies were sold to Mr Scott. In 1986, Candacraig House was purchased by Julian Ludlow and Sheila Hazlewood.
Landscape Components
Architectural Features
Candacraig House is a 17th century dwelling house rebuilt in 1836 to the designs of John Smith with additions in 1900 and 1928, and reconstructed after a fire in 1955 by A.G.R. Mackenzie. It is of late 17th/early 18th century vernacular style and is listed B. The offices, known in the past as The Square, date from 1835 and are listed B for the group, which includes the walled garden dating from 1820 and the North Lodge. There is a small Gothic-style summerhouse in the west wall of the garden. The Doocot is a large, lectern-style 17th century building at some distance from the house, near the Kennels, and is listed B. The tempietta to the south of the house was constructed in 1963 using materials from the demolition of Altyre House. The East Gates and the old bridge over Allt Damh are listed C. A Gardener's Cottage and game larders also lie in the policies.
The shelter woodlands around the house have an age range of 150 years. The older trees are of beech and ash and there is a range of conifers planted 60 and 40 years ago, including pines and spruces. The younger plantations are mainly around the ponds and sheltering the garden areas. There are some fine exotic conifers including a specimen of Chamaecyparis nootkatensis by the Doocot Lodge. The surrounding hill plantations have been replanted since the last war.
The Gardens
The area of garden was expanded in the 1920s and extended south and east of the house and walled garden. Three artificial ponds were created in a former marshy area. The ponds were connected by canals and cascades and a system of paths around their shores was linked with small rustic bridges, the remains of which can still be seen today. The surrounds of the two smaller ponds were planted with unusual shrubs and water plants including Deutzias, Philadelphus, Berberis, Acers etc. The path to the north of the ponds passes through the remains of an old garden, possibly a rock garden, around an old well head and standing stone. This path leads to the tempietta put in below the grass slope and terrace in front of the house in 1963. Views would have extended across the ponds to the Doocot but the surrounding trees now intervene. A shelterbelt lines the lawn and yew trees are planted in a formal design near the tempietta. To the south of the house are the more ornamental trees.
Walled Gardens
The walled garden lies to the north-east of the house on the west side and above the north drive. There are some attractive wrought-iron gates in this garden and a Gothic- style summerhouse in the west wall. The southern end section is V-shaped and is laid out on a slope and planted with roses in formal beds. This garden was once renowned for its collection of roses, both floribundas and shrub roses. A gateway leads through from the rose section into the rectangular part of the walled garden which is subdivided by clipped hedges, herbaceous borders, honeysuckle arches and rose trellis-work. This has been laid out as a plantsman's garden with many special plants but has become rather overgrown in recent years. The remnants of several interesting shrubs remain, including Potentilla 'Vilmoriniana', silver weeping pear (Pyrus salicifolia), Hebes, Berberis darwinii, and a Chinese laburnum. Espaliered apples and pears are trained along the walls. Up until 1960, this garden grew vegetables as well as flowers but in 1960 a new vegetable garden was created to the east of the north drive, just downhill from the walled garden. It is fenced and netted and in full cultivation for vegetables.