Architectural Features
Bolfracks House, listed B, is a two/three-storey castellated mansion incorporating an earlier farmhouse. The Gothic front was added c.1838 and has been attributed to James Gillespie Graham who was then working at Taymouth Castle. Bolfracks Burial Ground is enclosed by a high stone wall dated 1708 on the gateway. It still belongs to the Menzies family who built the mausoleum in c.1870. Other buildings include the Stables and Cottage and the Lodge.
The parkland is divided into four sections around the house by lines of shelterbelts, of mainly lime, and the fields are grazed by sheep and cattle. A small area to the north has been taken into the garden.
Lime trees were planted along the drive before World War II and the small plantation of conifers just to the south of the drive has been planted by the present owner. Bolfracks Wood which encloses the park to the south has been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest as a rare example of slope alder wood with native birch stands containing an interesting lichen flora. There are some remnants of hardwoods containing ash, oak and some beech, however, most of the older plantations were cut down during World War II and have been replanted with conifers.
The Gardens
The garden extends for five acres around three sides of the house on the north- facing slope. The enclosed kitchen garden, of about one acre, has been planted up as part of the ornamental garden with exotic trees, shrubs and flower borders. It has been a garden since at least the mid-18th century when it was shown on the 1769 plan and until recently was used to grow fruit and vegetables. Today the walled garden is divided into two sections: the upper part is a small vegetable garden growing unusual varieties, and the lower part is filled with small trees (including Acer, Malus and Sorbus) and shrubs and perennials which grow in three attractive borders, two of which are double, and each over 80m long. The planting in these mixed borders was influenced by Christopher Lloyd. Behind the lower hedge is a small greenhouse used to propagate and grow on many of the smaller plants. There is such a range of plants that they cannot all be mentioned, but those of particular interest include Clethra alnifolia, Sambucus canadensis 'Maxima', Podophyllum emodi and a bright coloured Berberis.
Just above the house, winding gravel paths weave around walls of peat where many varieties of gentians and tall Primulas grow in profusion enjoying the acid soil. Daphne spp., alpine Rhododendrons, Gaultheria procumbens, Michelia doltsopa and other acid-loving shrubs, mainly ericaeous, protect the more delicate creepers, including carpets of Arctostaphylos tomentosa, from the prevailing south-westerly winds. In the spring all kinds of bulbs bloom, including the very small to the large varieties of daffodils. It is a delightful garden and full of surprises. Roses and Clematis smother the south side of the house which overlooks the gently rising lawn.
More Sorbus spp., many varieties of Acer and some of the more resilient shrubs line the western edge of the garden which is enclosed by a beech hedge. The stream garden was designed and constructed by Ian Laurie of Dundee in 1928 along the course of the Bolfracks Burn. In the last two years it has been cleared, restored and replanted. The stone bridge, Japanese in style, crosses the upper part of the garden close to the 1930s' Wendy House built for Mr Hutchison's sisters. Some climbers have been planted along the Burial Garden Wall.